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"Hi Niall." Shawn smiles as he walks into Niall's flat, he was shocked to see it so messy and unorganized it was so not like him to have it like this.

"I'm a mess." Niall whimpers.

"What happened?" He asks worried about his friend.

"I saw Zayn and he told me something I wasn't expecting to hear, and I haven't been feeling well at all, I think I've got the stomach flu, oh and Ben is coming tomorrow but I'm not sur—"

"Wait what?" Shawn stops Niall's rambling as he tries to process everything he has just said. "Zayn?"

"He stopped by the bookshop and we met up later that evening to talk." He pushes some laundry aside to make room for them to sit on his bed.

"How is he?"

"He's good, I think. We didn't really catch up.." He sighs.

"What did you talk about then?" He asks quite confused.

"He— he told me Carter was behind Harry and I's breakup." Niall falters his gaze down on his lap. "Carter fucked with our heads."

"Explain, please."

"Carter lied to us making us believe his bullshit, and I guess with all the stress from uni and work we started to argue even more, it was too much." Niall rubs his face in frustration.

"What a fucking cunt." Shawn spits out, he never liked Carter.

"He would tell me Harry had lost interest in me and that there was this other person who kept flirting with him. He told me Harry regretted getting into a serious relationship so early." He feels the all too familiar lump in his throat. I can't cry.

"And you believed him?"

"Well, yeah." He frowns. "Harry would always hangout with this lad, and he was always so touchy feely with him."

"Did you tell Harry how that bothered you?" He asks.

"No, I didn't want to come off as a jealous boyfriend." He explains. "Plus, it seemed like Harry didn't mind it."

"I still can't understand why you believed Carter?"

"It was at a time where everything was so stressful, and he would put doubts into our heads and I guess it was all too much. I only remember feeling so hopeless, I didn't want to breakup with Harry but it seemed like maybe that's what we needed. We would argue every single day, it was emotionally draining." He fiddles with his fingers, he glances up at Shawn and notices that he was on his phone.

"Did you two ever try talking it out?" Shawn locks his  phone after sending a text to Harry.

"We did, so many times." Niall sighs. "We always ended up fighting."

"I really want to beat the shit out of Carter right now." He clenches his jaw. "I should've stayed, maybe I would've stopped all of this from happening."

"Shawn, Harry and I were bond to breakup." He sadly says.

"No, why do you think that?"

"We were young." He shrugs.

"You two could've worked it out if it weren't for Carter, god, he really hates seeing Harry happy huh?" He shakes his head in anger. "So what are you going to do?"

"What?" He looks at him confused.

"Are you going to talk to Harry? Zayn? Carter!?"

"I don't know, I'm a fucking mess. I just don't know what to do anymore." He starts tearing up. "I can't see Ben tomorrow, but I don't know how to tell him not to come."

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