Were you really going to leave without a goodbye kiss? (!)

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'Same lips red, same eyes blue
Same white shirt, couple more tattoos
But it's not you and it's not me
Tastes so sweet, looks so real'


"Are you really okay with Tommy living with Harry?" Shawn asks, he was worried about Niall.

"I have to be, I have no other choice." Niall tries to avoid Tommy as much as possible not because he was mad at him but because he wasn't comfortable with any of this.

"You do, there's always a choice." He wets his lips before continuing. "You can always talk to Harry and maybe ask him to move in with you, Tommy will still be close by."

"I can't do that." He says softly.

"Tommy doesn't care you and Harry are dating, why should you care about what he'll think about you?" Shawn didn't agree with Harry's decision of having Tommy living in his flat but he wasn't going to confront him about it.

"Shawn," Niall sighs. "That would be heartless of me."

"I guess you're right, at least Harry always puts you first when it comes to spending time." He smiles. "Talking about spending time, are you two going to see each other tonight?" He wiggles his brows.

"We are." He blushes. "We're only watching a film, that's all so stop with that." He points to his eyebrows.

"Sure you are." He smirks. "The sexual tension between the two of you is higher than the highest mountain." He laughs loudly.

"You're stupid." Niall rolls his eyes.

"Maybe I am, but at least I don't deny when I'm horny." Shawn sees Eline give him a weird look from the other side of the shop.

"I'm banning you." He walks away making his mate chuckle.

"Zayn can see it too, you know? Everyone can." He yells after him.

"Is he talking about you and that gentleman who comes here every morning?"

"I am!" Shawn smiles at Nadine, an older lady that comes in everyday to read.

"He's quite the looker," She takes her glasses off and sets it on the small side table. "Come here, hun." She pats the seat next to her.

"Yes Nadine?" Niall jokes, he enjoyed her presence a lot. She was always so kind, definitely his favorite customer. He sits and turns to her to look into her gorgeous brown eyes.

"Love, I've been coming to this bookshop ever since it opened. I remember when you started working here, you were so young. I've seen you grow into a fine young man, you're the kindest most caring person I've ever met and although I loved Ben for you, I think that other one is the one for you." She places her hand on his knee. "Now, I don't want you think I'm a nosy old hag—"

"No, of course not!" Niall cuts her off.

"Well, I heard about his past lover coming back and how he's living with him." She gives him a smile. "I think.. I think you should make love to— what was his name?" She glances over to Shawn who was standing near by listening in with an amused smile plastered on his face.

"Harry." Shawn could see the tips of Niall's ear turn red.

"I think you should make love to Harry, and make sure you're loud. Loud enough to scare the other young man away." Nadine pats his knee.

"Oh— I uh... okay?" Niall was shocked to hear such words coming from her.

"You see it too?! Right!?" Shawn throws his head back in laughter when she nods.

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