Baby honey (!)

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Harry was making himself a green smoothie when he hears loud knocks on his door. He debates wether or not he should open it, he's been avoiding everyone and everything lately even Niall. At first he thought Niall wouldn't mind but after seeing how hurt he was last night, he felt like shit. He should've talked to Niall. Niall! Maybe it's Niall.

He opens the door as fast as he could, only to get disappointed. He stands tall and waits for him to speak first because he was a bit afraid.

"Harry, I'd like to speak to you."

"Okay," Harry nods, stepping to the side so Bobby could walk into his flat. He shuts the door and slowly follows the older man to his kitchen.

"Of course you would be Niall's neighbor." He shakes his head in annoyance. "Were you following him?"

"What? No." He couldn't believe Bobby was accusing him of stalking Niall.

"I find it odd you two would move in next to each other, around the same time after all these years." Bobby narrows his eyes at him.

"It was a coincidence." Harry shrugs.

"There's no such thing as coincidences— anyway I'm not here to talk about that. I'm here to talk about you leaving Niall alone." Bobby sees Harry clench his jaw. "Someone told me you haven't been the best person to be around with. That you drink and smoke, I don't want that for Niall."

"I've got it under control," Harry goes to defend.

"I don't care." He stops him. "If you would've seen how broken Niall was after you two broke up, you wouldn't want someone like you near him. Ben is good for him."

"I love Niall." He tells him, trying to convince him, make him see that he fucking loves Niall so much.

"Harry," Bobby softens his glare. "Niall told me everything, and I'm sorry about your cousin. I truly am sorry."

"Niall gave me a second chance, and I'm willing to do anything to keep him. To shower him with love and happiness." Harry's gaze falls to the floor. "Will you please give me a second chance too?"

"Ben is good for him." He says once again. "It took me a while to trust him but once he showed me he was trustworthy I saw how much he loved Niall, how much he respected him. Ben is the best thing that has ever happened to Niall. He's someone Niall needs in his life."

"Bob— mister Horan," Harry corrects himself. "I never stopped loving your son, and I will never ever stop loving him."

"You moved on, and so did he." Bobby pinches the bridge of his nose. "Niall fell in love with Ben. And he might fight me on this but, I think he's only letting his emotions get the best of him. He thinks he wants you but in reality he wants Ben, and only feels drawn to you because you're his past."

"No." He swallows the lump in his throat. He loves me.

"Niall told me himself, he didn't want Ben to move on. What does that tell you?" He cocks his brow.

"I— I don't know..."

"He still loves him, he is still in love with him. Harry, don't you see? Niall fell in love with Ben because what he had with you wasn't real love." He watches Harry wipe at his eyes.

"It was real love. It is real love." Harry hated Bobby for making sense, for making him doubt Niall's love.

"That's where you're wrong." Bobby was caught off guard when Harry let's out a sob, then another and another.

"Don't say that, please, p-please..." Harry couldn't hold it back anymore, all his emotions he's been bottling up are now coming out, he was a crying mess in front of Bobby.

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