Bloody gorgeous

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'But don't you worry, darlin'
Don't lose sleep tonight
I can promise it
I can guarantee
That at the end of the road
I see you with me'


Niall wakes up in his bed and no Harry by his side, he gets out of bed to check if he was somewhere else but was disappointed to see that he wasn't. He walks over to the kitchen and notices a note by the flowers. 'Promised Louis to meet him for breakfast, I hope to see you later princess xx'.

He smiles at that, but soon drops it when he realizes today was the day of the surprise. He starts to get very anxious over it. He decides it was best to go get ready for work and not think about it until it was time. Surprisingly the day goes by quickly and he was now heading back home, his hands clammy and shaking from how nervous he was.

"Calm the fuck down," He mumbles to himself, as soon as he walks into his flat he goes into the bathroom and takes a nice warm shower letting himself relax.

Once he was ready he fetched his wallet, keys, and phone before walking out of his flat. He chews on his lower lip as he stares at the wooden door in front of him, he finally knocks on it and waits until it is swung opened.

"Baby," Harry was surprised to see Niall all dressed up. Damn.

"Hi." Niall gulps, he was so fucking nervous.

"You look gorgeous." He checks him out, not bothering to hide it.

"Thank you," He blushes. "I—the surprise... it's tonight."

"Is it now?" He cocks his brow with a smile plastered on his face.

"Yeah, I'll let you get ready." Niall goes to leave when he feels arms wrap around his waist.

"You don't have to leave. I'll be ready in a few, come inside." Harry pulls him inside and tells him he'll be right out, he goes into his bedroom to change. "Are you taking me on a date?" He teases when he comes out.

"I am..." Niall sighs thinking Harry wasn't going to like the idea of them going on a date. "We don't have to call it a date if you don't want to though, it can be just us han—"

"Niall, baby, I'm happy to go on a date with you." He smiles, feeling his face heat up not expecting this at all.

"Really?" He looks up at him.

"Of course." Harry sticks his hand out for Niall to take. "Take me wherever you want, baby."


"You're so cute, you know that?" Harry rests his hand on top of Niall's. "This is a nice place."

"Shawn mentioned they have the best food here." Niall smiles, he was relieved Harry was enjoying the date so far.

"Oh no he's always had bad taste," Harry jokes.

"Sometimes he does." Niall laughs.

"Before anything else, I want apologize to you." He becomes serious, he stares intently into his eyes. "I was a fucking asshole to you, and as much as you say that it's okay, it's not. I took all my anger and hurt out on you, that wasn't fair. I hate myself for being so nasty—"

"Harry, we're moving forward." Niall gives him a smile. "I was also incredibly rude to you, we both made mistakes. Let's just focus on the now."

"Okay," He sighs and intertwines their fingers. "Kinda don't know what to do." He admits.

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