A fucking nightmare (!)

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"Haz, please." Niall whines impatiently.

"Baby, being patient is the key." Harry smirks, he hovers over Niall and kisses down his neck.

"B-but I need you," He grips the sheets under him.

"Fuck okay," Harry reaches over the night stand and grabs the lube from inside the drawer. He presses himself on Niall once again making him hiss.

"Harr— ah fuck!" He moans out when he finally feels Harry's hand wrap around him.

Harry gives him a few tugs before lubing himself up and his fingers. He presses two fingers on Niall's entranced slowly pushing in. To distract him from the pain he kisses him passionately on the lips, loving how sweet he tasted. He could never forget how good he tasted.

"Alright, princess." Harry mumbles against Niall's soft lips once he had stretched him enough. "Ready?" He breathes out.

"Yes, H. I'm fucking ready." Niall nods gripping Harry's biceps. He feels Harry's tip pressing against him he couldn't help but moan out loudly and bite down on his lower lip.

"No, baby, don't do that." Harry runs his thumb over Niall's lower lip making him to let go. He leans down and kisses him as he pushed himself inside. "You're so tight m'love." He groans out. He loved the tightness around him.

"Fuck, fuck, ah!" Niall pants out feeling every thrust. He runs his fingers through Harry's messy hair giving it a gentle pull on his curls.

"You're the one I want, not Tommy." Harry whispers into his ear.

"What?" Niall furrows his brows.

Harry smiles down at him as he thrusts into him harder gripping his thigh. "Just leave Ben." He rasps out.

"What?" He says once again, he didn't understand.

"Leave Ben. Baby please leave Ben." He begs.

"What!?!!" Niall gasps and immediately opens his eyes breathing heavy, he looks around his room. He sits up, he looks into the mirror that was on the other side of the room, he sees the state he was in. He was sweaty with bags under his eyes and a problem down south. "Niall, you fucking idiot." He groans, he rolls out of bed and walks into his bathroom.

After taking a nice long cold shower he decides it was best if he went over to Shawn's. He needed to talk to someone, and as embarrassed and ashamed that he was about his dream he had to tell him. He couldn't keep it to himself. As he walked out of his flat he sees Harry walking into the complex shirtless and sweaty. Niall tried his hardest to not look at him but he fails to do so, and when he tried to play it off Harry had caught him staring.

"You alright?" Harry asks, he had gone for a much needed run.

"F-Fine, peachy!" Niall squeaks out.

"Listen, Louis and Liam should've never—"

"All is fine! I don't care." Niall couldn't stay there any longer. He needed to leave.

"But it wasn't fine. They shouldn't have treated you that way," Harry steps closer to him.

"They always liked you better than me. I'm not surprised they chose your side, and now are assholes to me. I honestly don't care." He looks away from him.

"My side? What the fuc—"

"Bye." Niall rushes past him and is quickly out of the building. He decides to take his car this time even though Shawn only lived five minutes away from him. He didn't feel like walking today.

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