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Harry has been dreading this day, it was his uncle's birthday and his mum planned him a surprise birthday party. He had forgotten all about it because of everything that has been going on. He could tell his mum felt bad about the party she even offered to cancel it but he said no, she's been planning it for months now and he couldn't do that to her.

"If you want to stay up in your room, you can." Anne gives him a sad smile.

"Mum, I'm fine. It'll do me good to interact with family." He smiles at her. "Stop worrying so much."

"I'm a mum, it's my job to worry." She pokes his dimple making him chuckle.

"I should get ready before anyone gets here." Harry excuses himself and goes upstairs.

He walks over to his dresser to look for something to wear when something catches his eye, it was a photo of himself with Louis, Liam, and Tommy all in swimwear with smiles plastered on their faces. He runs his fingertip over Tommy. He remembers how happy Tommy was that day, he on the other hand was pissed, he didn't want to go swimming but the others did and forced him to go. He feels bad for snapping at Tommy that day. He was only trying to have fun.

He then looks over to a polaroid of him and Niall kissing. He chuckles at the memory of them struggling to take the photo, it took them a few takes especially because Niall wouldn't stop giggling. He remembers all the nights they shared together in that exact room. He remembers Niall having a hard time at home and would ask him if he could stay over. Harry of course would say yes, he loved having him over. He also remembers the one night they first got intimate and were caught by Gemma who walked in on them doing it. They both learned something that day, one to always lock the door and two to wait until everyone's is out of the house.

"Hey Harry, can I borrow— oh my god!!" Gemma covers her eyes. "Please tell me you two are only cuddling."

"Oh my god. Oh my god!" Niall grabs the pillow and covers his face in embarrassment.

"Gemma, get out." Harry was quick to cover their bodies up with the duvet.

"You two better be using protection! We don't need a pregnant hormonal Niall around here!" She yells before walking out of the room.

"Your alright, darling?" He looks at Niall who slowly removed the pillow away from his face.

"Fuck no."

He chuckles once more, he's never seen Niall act so shy around Gemma after that. It was cute how every time Gemma would walk into the same room they were in he would turn bright red. God, I love him.


Harry finds himself getting lost in his thoughts once more, he smiled and nodded at his aunts and uncles when they would try to make a conversation but he wasn't really interested in conversing with anyone. His mind kept drifting of to Tommy, he wanted to know how he was doing. Is he happy?


"Uh yeah?" Harry snaps his head over to his sister who looked at him with concern written all over her face.

"I've been calling you for a while," She sighs. "Do you want to eat something?"

"Not right now, thanks." He glances around the room, everyone seemed so happy. Everyone except me.

"Look who's here," Gemma points over to the door, Louis and Liam had just walked in with smiles on their faces.

"Harry!" Liam comes over to him and engulfs him into a tight hug.

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