You're fucking drunk

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'I don't trust myself when I'm around you
Lately, I don't think I even know me
Every time you come around, I'm like the old me, old me
Take me back to when you were my only
Well, we were thicker than thieves, like a pod, two peas'


"I need a fucking night out." Louis comes barging into Harry's flat.

"How the hell did you get in here?" Harry asks in annoyance.

"You're lovely neighbor." He narrows his eyes at him. "You've got Niall in there? Naked?" He smirks.

"No, Niall has been too busy with Bobby." He sighs, he missed Niall so much.

"He's still here?" Louis goes over to the fridge to fetch a beer.

"Yes, I think he's gonna fucking move in." He groans. "He knows as soon as he leaves Niall and I will be able to see each other, that's the last thing he wants."

"I fucking love Bobby, but yeah, he's been a bit harsh on you." He takes a huge gulp of beer, he needed it.

"A bit?" He scoffs. "He hates me and loves Ben."

"Show him you're better than that bloke." He walks into the lounge room laying across the sofa with the drink in his hand.

"How?" He follows him.

"Be better than Ben." Louis says in a 'duh' tone.

"Oh yeah, Louis. That's very helpful, thanks so much." He says sarcastically.

"Have you tried going over, to hang out?" He lazily looks over to him.

"Hell no, I'm not trying to get kicked out by Bobby." He sits on the other side of the sofa.

"Niall will not let that happen," Louis sits up to take another sip. "I would've left your ass already."

"What?" Harry furrows his brows.

"Coward fucker." He rolls his eyes. "You fucked him and haven't seen him since. What a dick you are."

"It's not that I don't want to, Bobby, he made it very clear he didn't want me near him. And I'm respecting that." He crosses his arms over his chest.

"You're being a coward."

"I'm not a coward." Harry spits out. "You're a coward, you can't face your problems with Liam. You always run away."

"Oh fuck you. I'm not here to talk about my shitty relationship." He glares. "I'm here to take you out."

"I'm good." He shakes his head.

"I'm gonna punch you." He scoots closer to him.

"I'll punch you back." Harry stands up to look more intimidating.

"Go get ready, if you're not ready by the time I get back you're gonna regret it." Louis stands up and places the beer on the coffee table before walking out.

Harry groans in annoyance, he didn't want to go out. He wanted Niall, he wanted him so bad. He's been craving his touch, his scent, and his kisses. He knew he had to be ready before Louis came back, so he goes into his bedroom and picks out an outfit before taking a quick shower. Just as he steps out of the shower he hears a door shut, he wraps the towel around his waist before walking out of the bathroom.

"Louis?" Harry goes over to the lounge room and doesn't see anyone, he turns to go to the kitchen. "I didn't know you were gonna come back this fast— oh shit!"

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