We're in fucking Paris

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"Hi baby." Ben smiles sweetly at Niall.

"Hi." Niall sits right next to him, he reaches for his hand and holds it tightly.

"I missed you a lot." The blonde turns to look at him.

"I missed you a lot too. I thought you'd never talk to me again." He says sadly, he was shocked to see him.

"I wouldn't be able to do that, even if I tried." Ben squeezes Niall's hand and leans in to kiss him to his surprise Niall leans back, avoiding him. "Niall,"

"I'm sorry." Niall keeps his gaze down.

"Do I have bad breath?" Ben jokes, trying to make light of the situation.

"No," He laughs out.

"You've chosen him, haven't you?" Ben whispers out after silence filled the room.

"No." Niall sighs, he slowly lets go of Ben's hand. "I've chosen myself, I need to focus on my career and yeah. Ben I love you so much, don't get me wrong. I really do, and I want you to be happy with someone who loves you the way you deserve to be loved."

"I don't think I'll be able to move on from you. I don't think I want to either."

"I don't want you waiting around for me," He was starting to stress, this is not how he wanted it to go.

"I'll wait for eternity if I have to. I love you so much Niall, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He almost pleads. He didn't want to overwhelm Niall but he himself is starting to think he had lost Niall and he's freaking out.

"You deserve better." Niall sadly says.

"You keep saying that but I," He pauses when he hears knocks.

Both Niall and Ben look at each other then at the door after they hear knocks on the door once again. Niall stands up and goes over to the door, he wasn't expecting anyone. He opens the door widening his eyes when he sees Louis and Liam standing there. "Hi?"

"Can we come in?" Louis asks.

"Uh," Niall looks between them. "Okay."

"Oh he's here." Louis whispers to Liam, referring to Ben who was sitting on the sofa.

"Is there something I can do for you?" Niall wasn't sure what to even say, he hasn't talked to them in a while.

"Hear us out," Liam finally speaks up.

"What?" He sees Louis fiddle with his fingers something he'd always do when he was nervous, it only made him nervous.

"Harry told us last night what Carter did. We're really sorry for everything. " Louis breathes out. "We feel awful for being assholes to you. We're not expecting you to forgive us because what we did was shitty." He clears his throat.

"We should've never turned our backs on you, but, we did and we fucking regret it. We thought we were looking out for Harry, in the process we left you in the dark. And we're really sorry for that." Liam glances at Niall.

"I never understood why you took Harry's side without giving me a chance to explain myself." Niall looks between them, he could see how sorry they were but he still couldn't forgive them.

"We were idiots. Niall, Carter kept telling us you already had plans and you had found someone else but didn't know how to breakup with Harry. We let that prick fool us, now that we know the truth we feel horrible." Louis looks at him sadly.

"He fooled us all." Niall mumbles. "I appreciate you two apologizing but I can't forgive you. I can't."

"I know, we totally understand this is hard to forget and move on from." Liam sighs feeling disappointed, he wanted to be friends with the Irish lad again.

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