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It's been three weeks since Harry was taken to the hospital and Niall stayed with him. Weirdly enough Niall hasn't seen him since then, he found it refreshing though. He needed some time to think about everything. He has also received a wedding invitation in the mail from Gemma, he was going to kindly decline but Shawn had convinced him not to.

"Baby, are you sure it's okay if we come along?" Ben asks as he watched Niall get ready for the wedding.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I've asked Gemma already, stop worrying." He smiles at him.

"Is just that Eloise is a handful, she won't sit still." He stresses out.

"I'll help you with her." Niall turns around and kisses him. They have been minding Ben's niece for the last two days, it was all a short notice, he had asked Gemma if he could bring the toddler along.

"I appreciate it." He hugs him tightly.

"Benny! Benny! Benny!" A small pigtailed girl comes running into the room.

"Yes, princess?" He kneels so that he was eye level with her.

"Can we go?" She pouts, she has been very excited ever since she was told they were going to a party.

"In a little bit, okay?" Ben assures her.

"Ni, looks pretty." She whispers into Ben's ear giggling after.

"He does, doesn't he?" He smiles up at Niall who was fixing his hair.

"I'm almost ready." Niall says to them. He nervously looks at himself in the mirror one last time before finally walking over to Ben and Eloise letting them know he was ready.

"I reckon we take some snacks." Ben says, he was quite nervous about his three year old niece misbehaving at the ceremony.

"You can, if you want to." He nods texting Shawn that they'll pick him up soon.

"I take berries!" The toddler squeals running towards the refrigerator.

"We can only take small snacks, love." Ben chuckles.

Niall smiles at them and thinks to himself how great of a father Ben will be someday. He was just so sweet to kids and that's one of the things he loves about him. His kindness.


"She was a good girl." Shawn was surprised that the young toddler stayed seated during the whole ceremony.

"Well you did hold her the whole time." Ben chuckles.

"I'm the baby whisperer." He jokes, he swings his arm around Niall. "Isn't that right baby?"

"Get off." Niall pushes him away laughing out loud.

"Nialler! Don't hate me because Eloise likes me more than you." He chuckles when Niall sticks his tongue out at him.

"She likes you both equally, but loves me." Ben smirks.

"You're both so immature," Niall shakes his head, he wasn't in the joking mood, he has been feeling judged this whole time by Harry's family. If it wasn't for Gemma he would've left by now.

"Can I go play?" Eloise huffs.

"Not yet." Ben tightens his hold on her.

"I can play with her." Shawn offers, he could tell Niall needed to talk to someone and what better person than Ben. "Come to your favorite."

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