No time for pouting

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"I'm really nervous, like, I'm fucking shaking." Niall kept bouncing his leg as he let Shawn help him with his hair. "I don't think I'll be able to walk down the aisle." He confesses.

"I'll carry you if I have to son." Bobby says from the other side of the room.

"I'd love to see that if I'm being honest." Shawn chuckles.

"My son, my sweet sweet baby." Maura walks over to him with tears in her eyes. "Are you sure this is what you want?" She sniffles, she's been an emotional wreck ever since she found out about the engagement.

"Ma, yes of course." Niall frowns at her, he has been talking to her and Greg about everything and made it very clear he loved Harry and loved working at the bookshop, it took a while to convince them but they finally caved in.

"Just making sure, love." She pinches his cheeks. "I can't believe you're getting married, you're so young. You're practically still a baby."

"Maura, stop babying him." Bobby pushes her hands away from his son's face. "He's a man."

"That could be debatable." Shawn laughs.

"You're all going to make me puke, I need Zayn." Niall stands up from the chair and goes to fetch his phone.

"Zayn is with Harry, I'm your best man so talk to me." The tall lad says with a smile plastered on his face. "Plus he's probably too busy arguing with Louis about who's standing where."

"I'm seriously going to be sick." Niall presses his palm on his stomach. "Can we just get married in here then we'll go to the reception after?"

"Love, everyone gets nervous. It's normal, just try to breathe and keep calm." Maura pats his back.

"Drink this." Bobby hands him a flask.

"What is this?" He furrows his brows at his dad.

"Whiskey." He smiles.

"No!" Maura snatches it away from Niall. "My son will not be walking down the isle drunk." She scolds Bobby.

"He needs it." Bobby takes it away from her and shoves it towards Niall again. "Drink up."

"Can I have some too?" Shawn asks.


"I said no!" She yells. "No one is drinking."

"I have to go the loo." Niall mutters before quickly walking out going towards the other room where Harry was in. He goes to open the door when he hears someone clear their throat behind him.

"What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?"

"Louis," Niall blushes. "I-I uh.."

"You can't go in there." He crosses his arms over his chest. "What is it that you need?"

"I need to see Harry." He says quietly.

"You'll see him in exactly ten minutes, you'll survive." Louis grabs him by his arm and starts dragging him away.

"Please, stop." Niall almost cries out. "Everyone's driving me mad. I need his comfort."

"Lad," Louis stops. "It'll be okay."

"I miss him." He hasn't seen Harry in two days and misses him dearly.

"He misses you too, you're all he talks about. Had to tape his mouth shut last night because he wouldn't stop. He's nervous too, Ni, and has also tried to go see you. You two have to remember that after today you both will be happily married, so be patient. It's only six minutes now." He smiles at him. "It'll go by fast, Ni, don't worry."

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