A mess

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'You keep saying that you're alright
But I can see it through your fake smile, you're not
There's a reservoir in your eyes
That you've been holding back a long time, what's wrong?'


Harry gets home at around midnight, he was exhausted. He walks into his flat and places his suitcase down he looks around his flat and notices a gift box on the kitchen counter. He walks over to it and sees that it's the gift Tommy was talking about. He takes it in his hand and glances over at the door, he places it back down and goes into his bedroom. He needed sleep.

The next morning he wakes up a bit late, he didn't mind though he needed it. He freshens up before picking up the gift and his keys. He walks out of his flat and goes over to Niall's, it takes him a while to knock on the door. He furrows his brows when the person who opens the door is Ben and not Niall.

"Oh, it's you." Ben eyes him up and down.

"Yeah, is Niall here?" He asks dryly.

"No, I'll tell him you stopped by though." He glances down at the gift that Harry was holding.

"Thanks." Harry slowly turns around and was about to walk away when Ben stops him.

"Are you in love with him?" Ben watches him turn back around.

"I am." He stares into his eyes.

"I am too." He notices how Harry slumps his shoulders and starts walking away. "Wait."

"What?" He says a bit too harshly, he didn't mean to sound that harsh.

"He's in love with you too." Ben looks away. "Don't hurt him and please make sure he's always happy."

"What are you—"

"Take care of him." He says finally being able to look at Harry. "He's the best thing that's ever happened to me and I only want him to be happy."

"Ben," Harry wasn't understanding why he was saying all of this, he was confused.

"It was nice meeting you Harry." Ben walks back into Niall's flat leaving a very confused Harry in the hallway.

Harry goes back into his flat and takes his phone out to call the person he's been missing so much and maybe the only person that could comfort him.

"Hello!" The cheery voice he's missed so much is heard.

"Are you home?" He sets the gift down.

"I am."

"I'm coming over."


"He's probably not going to make it back?" Zayn asks in shock. I can't believe this.

"That's what Louis said," Niall hasn't been able to stop thinking about Tommy and Harry.

"What does that mean though?" He asks.

"Tommy is.... dying." He shuts his eyes, he can only imagine what Harry is going through right now.

"Shit, that's so sad." He was never a big fan of Tommy but this still upset him, he was young and had a whole life time ahead of him.

"I hope Harry is doing fine," Niall mumbles.

"Why don't you call him?" Zayn suggests.

"Harry?" Truth was he's been wanting to call him but he didn't think it was appropriate. "No, I can't."

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