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'I know I said that I was doing good and that I'm happy now
Ooh ooh
I shoulda known that when things were going good
That's when I'd get knocked down'


"You look like shit." Eline says as soon as she arrives at the bookshop.

"Thanks." Niall rolls his eyes. After telling Ben the truth they both decided it was best if they took some time apart. They weren't broken up but also they weren't together. He missed him a lot.

"You can tell me everything, you know." She leans on the counter. "I'm the best at giving advice."

"I'm sure you are but, I need to figure all this shit out first.... on my own."

"Alright just make sure that whatever it is that you do, is what's right for you and only you." Eline says before she goes to organize a shelf.

Niall looks out the window and sighs, he should've talked to Harry the day after but he was a coward and now everything seemed harder. He tried explaining to Shawn why he didn't go but after rambling on and on about nonsense, Shawn had brushed it off and had told him he wasn't going to get in between all their drama anymore because it wasn't his business. He should've known that eventually Shawn was going to get tired of him as well.

"Ni? Mate." Eline apologizes to the customer who has been waiting by the till for awhile and helps him out before turning back to Niall. "At least space out in the back room."

"Huh?" Niall blinks a few times.

"Nothing, go to the back. I got this." She gently pushes him towards the door.

"I'm fin—"

"No you're not. You didn't see the customer standing right in front of you," She raises her brow proving her point.

"I didn't have much sleep s'all." He rubs his eyes.

"Go on, Niall." Eline pushes him once again.

"Alright! Fine." Niall gives in. "But if it gets busy don't hesitate to ask me for help."

"Okay," She smiles watching him go into his office.

He sits on his chair and rests his head back feeling himself relax into the chair. His mind starts to drift off once again to Harry and Ben. If he had to choose between the two of course he'd pick Ben, he loves him. I loved Harry once, do I still love him? Niall frowns softly, no, he couldn't let himself think like that. He had moved on. He was happy with Ben.

"Ben is the one for me." He runs his hand through his hair out of frustration. He takes his phone out and stares at it before unlocking it and tapping on Ben's contact.


"Hi." Niall breathes out nervously.

"How are you?" He asks.

"I could be better..... you?" He hasn't been this nervous around Ben in such a long time, he didn't like it.

"I'm doing fine."

"How's uni?" Niall wets his lips.

"Good, it's good." Ben missed Niall so much, but he felt like Niall needed some time to think over his feelings.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have called," He pauses.

"That's alright, I've missed talking to you."

"I've missed talking to you too. I've missed you." Niall holds his breath releasing it when he hears Ben chuckle.

"I've missed you way more, trust me." He smiles.

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