Goodbyes suck

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'Can we just talk? Can we just talk?
Talk about where we're goin'
Before we get lost, lend me your thoughts
Can't get what we want without knowin'
I've never felt like this before
I apologize if I'm movin' too far'


"How are you?" Zayn asks Harry, he knew something was wrong.

"Alright." Harry glances between Zayn and Shawn. "Why are you two here?"

"Came to visit you, can't we do that?" Shawn frowns.

"It's a bit odd, is all." He looks over at his bedroom door and sighs.

"So how are you and Thomas doing? We haven't really talked and I'd like to catch up." Zayn smiles.

"We're doing... well." Harry stands up and goes to grab water bottles for his friends. "Here." He hands it to them.

"Thanks." Shawn looks around the flat and notices a suitcase by the door. "Is he staying here?"

"For now he is, he's got his own place." He sees him staring at the suitcase and prepared himself for the next question he was dreading to answer.

"Are you going somewhere?" He finally asks.

"I am, Tommy and I are going to Paris." Harry lets his gaze falter down at his lap.

"Is there a special occasion?" Zayn could tell Harry was not being completely open with them and it kind of hurt him, they used to be so close.

"I guess you could say that."

"Do you love him?" Zayn decides to ask, he knew this could anger Harry but he had to know. He wanted to make sure he was happy.

"So many questions." Harry shakes his head, getting annoyed now with all the questions. "And I do love him."

"I'm happy that you've found someone," Zayn looks over at Shawn and sighs, they both decided to check up on Harry after Niall had told them what happened the night they went clubbing.

"You look exhausted." Shawn accidentally blurts out.

"Life is exhausting." Harry simply says.

"I agree with you on that." Shawn nods.

"You can't leave without talking to Niall. You two have so much to talk about," Zayn says, he noticed how Harry kept glancing over to the bedroom door. What's on the other side of that door?

"Sometimes it's better to leave things unsaid." He pinches the bridge of his nose.

"What if Niall were to up and go, and you'd never see him again? Wouldn't you regret not talking to him?" Shawn raises his brows at him. "Listen, it doesn't matter if you fell out of love with him, it happens. But still go talk to him because at the end of the day he was your best friend way before you two started dating and should care about him, care that he is hurting so much right now. He needs it."

"He's right, Harry. He's been trying to pretend he's fine but if only he could see what we see he wouldn't be lying to us about that. He looks like he hasn't slept for days, weeks even. He doesn't look well." Zayn sighs, he didn't want this, he wanted to come over to talk about Harry not Niall but maybe this is what they both need.

"What about Ben?" Harry asks, he wanted to hold Niall in his arms and protect him from everything but he couldn't. Not now anyway.

"Ben, he hasn't messaged him at all. And yeah Niall loves him and all but he's in love with you. He's too scared to admit it though," Shawn probably shouldn't be saying any of this but if he doesn't who will? They're both too stubborn to even see eye to eye.

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