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"Alright lads, are you ready to meet Olivia?" Harry smiles widely, he was so excited for his mates to finally meet her. He held her against his chest protectively as he walked closer to them.

"Aww she's adorable!" Shawn coos. "Can I hold her?"

"Sure." He carefully hands her to him.

"And here's Mercury!" Niall walks into the lounge room.

"His eyes mate, they're so blue." Liam walks over to him to caress Mercury's face. "Hi Mercury, I'm your uncle Liam."

"For fucks sake, you're all acting as if they're babies. It's a damn kitty and a puppy!" Louis gives them a weird look. "I mean they're adorable but come on, I thought you were going to tell us something else."

"Like what?" Niall furrows his brows.

"Oh I don't know maybe that you two finally were having a kid?" He looks between Harry and Niall. "I wasn't the only one who thought that, right?"

"He's right." Liam nods. "But I'm happy for you, this a big step. You know being parents to pets and all."

"Oh," Niall blushes. "Well I mean, we're not ready for a kid."

"When will you be?" Louis asks. "Tommy knocked someone up, now that was fucking surprising. This," He points to the small puppy in Niall's arms and the kitty sleeping on Shawn's lap. "Is just disappointing."

"You're just being a grump." Shawn smiles down at the cute kitty. "I bet if you snuggle with Olivia you'll cheer up!"

"You're a child." Louis rolls his eyes at him.

"Sorry we disappointed you, but, we plan on traveling around the world and settling down before thinking about kids." Harry goes over to Niall and presses a kiss on his temple. "Isn't that right, love?"

"Yeah," Niall says quietly.

"Louis is only annoyed because he was so excited about this surprise, he thought it was going to be that you two were expecting, he wouldn't stop talking about it all week." Liam explains. "Give him a few minutes."

"I feel bad." Niall mumbles.

"You should." Louis huffs, he watches as Niall places the small puppy down on the floor. He tries not to smile or coo when it slowly walks over to him and sniffs his socks making him sneeze right after. "Why was that so fucking cute?" He finally breaks into a smile.

"Told you." Liam whispers to Niall and Harry.


"Haz," Niall looks over to his husband and smiles. "Our first Christmas as a married couple." He snuggles closer to him.

"Definitely my favorite by far." Harry mumbles against his hair, he glances over to their family chatting whilst drinking hot mulled cider. He loved the holiday season.

"That was so cheesy!" Gemma laughs from the other side of the sofa.

"Will you mind your business?" Harry shoots her a glare.

"Nope!" She giggles. "So when are you going to ask me to be your surrogate?" She looks directly at Niall.


"Actually..." Niall blushes, he's been telling Harry they weren't ready but seeing Greg with Theo made him want to have his own little family.

"What?" Harry looks at Niall confused.

"H, maybe... maybe it's time," He bites down on his lower lip nervously. "If you want to that is."

"Baby, having our own family is what I've always wante—"

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