Wrong door

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"How long are you planning to stay here?" Niall asks Shawn as he stirred the soup he was making for both of them.

"Don't really know, I've missed living here but I've gotten used to L.A. already. Maybe a few months." He shrugs.

"I'm glad you're here—" Niall gets interrupted by knocking on his door. "What?" He looks at Shawn who only shrugs back at him, he goes over to the door and opens the door not bothering to look through the peephole.


"H-hi Anne," Niall blushes he was caught off guard when she tackles him in a tight hug, he stumbles back but gains his balance quickly.

"Oh my goodness! I've missed you so much!" She starts tearing up.

"Uh... yeah it's been a while.." He awkwardly hugs her back, it was nice seeing her but he felt awkward.

"How are you my love?" She smiles.

"I'm... okay. What about yourself?"

"I'm great!" She lightly pats his back. "Are you and Harry finally back together? Where is he by the way?" She pulls away and looks into the flat.

"Harry?" He furrows his brows, it takes him a second to realize she knocked on the wrong door and now she thinks Harry and him are living together. "Oh no, no he uh he's not here... I mean he's next door." He turns bright red.

"Next doo— oh! I'm so sorry," She blushes. "I should've checked the number twice before knocking."

"That's alright." He gives her a small smile.

"So you live here?" She asks.

"Yeah I do, Harry, he lives right over there." He points and watches her nod and hastily turn around to walk away.

"Do you— do you know if his boyfriend is in there?" She looks over her shoulder.

"I think he is." Niall glances down but then back up at her in time to see her frown. "Not sure though."

"Okay, goodbye love." She waves.

"Bye." Niall slowly walks back inside and shuts the door. He rubs his temples as he walked back to the kitchen.

"Who was it?" Shawn asks from the lounge room turning around so he was looking at Niall from where he was sitting.


"Harry's mother?" He widens his eyes.

"Yeah," He sighs. "Harry's mum."

"She loved you the most, you were always her favorite one." Shawn smirks.

"Shut up." Niall groans.


"Niall lives right next door." Anne finally says after trying her best not to bring him up, but she couldn't help herself.

"Unfortunately." Harry grumbles scrolling through his phone. He really didn't want to talk about him.

"Maybe it's a sign—"

"Mum, please don't start." He cuts her off.

"Tommy isn't the one for you." She sighs.

"You don't know that, you're only saying that because you can't stand him. You're being biased." He pulls on his hair.

"He doesn't love you! You don't love him." Anne crosser her arms, she could see right through him and it frustrated her to no end.

"I do... love him." Harry tries his best not to cringe at the word love. What even is love?

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