You need help

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'The hardest part of all
Is that we're only built to fall'


Niall was slowly losing his hope in Harry, he's been trying his best to stay positive but after a week of going over and knocking on his door and Harry not opening, it had him on the verge of a breakdown. He didn't understand why he couldn't even answer one of his text messages saying he was doing alright. The only reason he hasn't broken down the door yet was because Harry would order takeout every single day, meaning that he was fine. He doesn't want to see me, that's all.

"Will you stop."

Niall snaps out of it and looks up at Eline and Zayn arguing once again. "What's going on?" He walks over to them.

"He doesn't know how to place the books correctly. He's messing everything up." Eline says frustrated.

"It looks fucking messy the way you do it." Zayn glares at her, he was annoyed.

"Eline, be nice." Niall walks away from them.

"You need to get laid, maybe I should call Ben. That other lad isn't doing it right." Eline says out loud without thinking.

"What?" Niall turns to her, anger seeping in.

"I— sorry." She quickly says before rushing to the other side of the bookshop.

"Don't mind her. I thinks she's only upset about the books." Zayn tries to calm Niall down, he looked like he was going to explode in any minute.

"Harry won't talk to me." He slumps his shoulders. "Did I do something wrong?"

"Ni, you didn't do anything. He's the one being a fucking ass." He goes up to Niall and pulls him in for a hug. "You tried being there for him, that's all that matters."

"Maybe I pissed him off, maybe I should've given him his space, maybe I fucked up—"

"Don't do that to yourself." Zayn pats his back softly. "Why don't we go out? Just you, me, and Shawn."

"I don't know..." He glances down, he did want to take his mind off of Harry but he wasn't sure if that was a good idea. Fuck it.

"Just dinner, no drinks." He sees the small smile on his lips making him smile as well. "How does that sound?"

"Okay." Niall nods.

"Go home, get ready and we'll pick you up." Zayn starts pushing him towards the exit. "We'll close up."

"Zayn, I can't leave you two alone. Not again." He sighs.

"Why not?"

"It won't look good on me, I don't want to be that manager who is never there." Niall trusted Zayn and Eline but he didn't want to leave it all to them, it was too much.

"You're here all the time, I'm sure a few days off won't do any harm." Zayn pushes him once again.

"Fine, fine." Niall finally gives in. "Do you want to... invite Louis and Liam?"

"Eh sure, I mean, if you want to. I don't really care." He scratches the back of his head.

"If you're not comfortable seeing them—"

"I'm fine. It's fine." He gives him a small smile.

"It's not." Niall could see through his fake smile. "I won't invite them."

"Sorry, I'm still... I guess not over it." Zayn looks down.

"No need to apologize." He feels bad for even bringing them up. "I'll see you later then."

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