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"There's this new club that just opened, we should go!" Eline says excitedly.

"A club?" Niall raises his brow at her. "Aren't you like ten?" He teases her.

"Fuck you. I'm twenty." She rolls her eyes at him. "Come on, it'll be fun. And you can bring your friend Zayn." She blushes.

"You do know he has a girlfriend back in New York, that he loves." He says reminding her.

"How come she didn't come with him? I think it's all lies." She smirks.

"Oh Eline, not everyone can travel whenever they want. She has a job, I've seen pictures of her and she's very much real, love." He pauses. "You can date Shawn though."

"No thanks. He's sweet and cute but not my type." She huffs. "Why do I always have bad luck?"

"You don't. You just like lads that are in a relationship." He shakes his head at her.

"I don't." Eline grumpily goes over to a shelf. "I just have bad luck."

"Keep telling yourself that." Niall chuckles.

"Shut up, leprechaun." She shoots him a glare.

Niall stops laughing, he remembers that one drunken night where Harry called him leprechaun. He groans out loudly making Eline look his way, he had been so good at not thinking about him for the past few weeks and now here he is thinking about him.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing," He sighs. "Where's this club you're talking about?"

"Not far from here actually." She smiles knowing Niall was interesting in going. "You wanna go?"

"A little bit of fun never hurt anyone." He says. "As long you behave in front of Zayn. Remember he's got a girlfriend."

"Yeah, yeah, stop parenting me mummy." She giggles.

"Mummy?" He furrows his brows at her.

"You're definitely not a daddy." She laughs harder.

"You're annoying." Niall walks past her. "We'll meet you there at nine." He walks into his office and sits down on the chair. He takes his phone out and texts both Shawn and Zayn inviting them to the club which Shawn quickly agreed to going, Zayn on the other hand wasn't too sure but at the end he agreed as well.

"What should I wear?" Eline pops her head in smiling widely.

"Eline, go back to the front." Niall scolds her.

"There's no one," She points out. "Should I wear a dress?"

"If you want to, I could care less." He leans back on his chair.

"How are you even gay? You're so boring." She huffs. "I'm joking! Don't get your panties in a twist." She quickly adds.

"Go back to work."


"I'm still not too sure about this." Zayn yells over the loud music playing in the crowded club.

"Good atmosphere." Shawn looks around.

"Eline should be somewhere around her—" He gets cut off by Eline who tackled him into a hug.

"Niall! You came!" She grins up him hugging him tightly.

"Are you drunk?" Niall gently pushes her away.

"No." She giggles. "Hi Shawn. Hi Zayn."

"Hello there, you look nice." Shawn compliments her with a smile plastered on his face.

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