Sometimes soulmates aren't meant to be together

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"Niall! Oh my god!! Mum, it's Niall!" Gemma yells in pure excitement, she hugs him tightly.

"I'm right here." Harry stands behind Niall watching them hug, he sees his mum appear with a wide grin plastered on her face.

"Niall!" Anne glances at him then at Harry. "Gem, let them come in and settle down."

"I'm so happy to see you, are you staying here for Christmas? Please tell me that you are." She steps back so they could walk in. "Hi brother." She smiles at Harry.

"I am, well, only for Christmas Eve. I need to see my family as well." Niall feels Harry's arm snake around his waist.

"That's too bad." She sighs sadly, she wanted to have some time with Niall. She missed him. He was like a brother to her.

"Louis and Liam will be here though—"

"When aren't they?" She rolls her eyes.

"Don't be rude, Gemma." Anne scolds her. "Niall, sweetie, why don't you and Harry go upstairs to rest up."

"Why do I feel like my mother and sister aren't happy to see me?" Harry raises his brow at them.

"We are but we're just happier to see Ni." Gemma laughs.

"Come on, love." Harry glares at his sister before going upstairs to his bedroom. He sets the duffle bag on the floor before turning to Niall with a smile on his face. "Want to have some fun?"

"No!" Niall blushes. "Not when Anne and Gemma are here."

"Aw come on baby," He places his hands on Niall's waist and lightly pushes him towards the bed.

"I just want to cuddle," He whines, truth was he was too shy to do such thing when Harry's family was downstairs.

"Naked?" Harry throws his head back in laughter when Niall slaps his chest lightly.

"Are you sex deprived?" Niall asks, he felt bad for stopping Harry every time he had tried to show some affection for the past month. It's not that he didn't want his affection because he did, he was insecure that's all.

"No, not at all." Harry looks away. "Let's cuddle."

"Okay." He smiles and goes over to the bed, he lays on it and waits for Harry to lay as well so he could snuggle next to him. "I love you, pet."

"I love you more, baby boy." He kisses the top of his head running his hand up and down his back.

"I'm nervous about going to see my family." Niall admits.

"Why?" Harry looks down at him.

"I haven't seen them in a while, I haven't really talked to them. I mean they know about us because of my dad.... I've been avoiding them." He groans, he wasn't ready to face his family and their questions.

"Do they hate me?"

"No, especially not my mum, she adores you. They're upset about the career path I've chosen and about some other decisions I've made." Niall sits up and starts to play with his fingers. "I don't regret them but I do feel bad."

"What decisions?" Harry was confused and kinda nervous about what he meant.

"Moving to London and other ones, Harry, I rather not talk about it." He gets up and out of the bed. "We should go down there, we don't want them to assume anything."

"Niall," Harry grabs onto his arm. "You can talk to me."

"I know," He nods. "I don't wanna talk about it, s'all." He removes his arm from Harry's hold and opens the door.

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