Bad feeling

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'I need something, tell me something new
Choose your words, 'cause there's no antidote
For this curse, oh, what's it waiting for?
Must this hurt you just before you go?'


Niall was glad they were heading home today, he had so much fun with the boys but he missed his bed a lot, especially because he had shared the bed with Zayn and he was quite the cuddler not that he minded, he just missed home. He was surprised how well Louis and Zayn have gotten along, he thought by now one of them would've left. They've actually been going for a swim every evening together which he thought was very sweet.

"You think they're hooking up?" Shawn asks from the other side of the room.

"What?" Niall looks away from his phone to look at him. He's been trying to distract himself because he's has a bad feeling ever since they got there and he didn't understand why.

"Zayn and Louis, I mean, you don't think they're, you know.." He didn't mean to assume anything but he was shocked how nice they've been with each other.

"No." He shakes his head then stops. "Wait, no. Of course not. Right?"

"I want to say no but, I'm not too sure. They're always so happy when they come back from their swim—"

"We have to go stop them." In a swift motion Niall was out of bed and on his way out.

"Hang on!" Shawn struggles to get out of bed and trips over someone's luggage, he curses himself and hurries to follow Niall out the door. "What are you gonna do?"

"See what they're doing." Niall starts running at some point only to almost stumble into an older woman who told him off for running, he apologizes but keeps going.

"Niall, will you slow down. Do you really want to walk in on them? For all we know they might be somewhere else." He stops him.

"I don't want them to do something they'll regret, something that isn't right." He pushes his hand off and starts walking once again.

"I mean will it be so wrong? Louis and Zayn were a thing before Liam and Louis became one. What if Zayn is his true love?" Shawn walks besides him. "We can't stop them."

"But Liam... he's our friend." Niall frowns.

"Ben is my friend." Shawn points out.

"Yeah but... this is different." He says but quickly realizes he was being a hypocrite, he and Harry had kissed when he was still with Ben. He did the same thing that Louis and Zayn are possibly doing.

"You chose Harry; the one you truly love. Let Louis choose who he truly loves, besides, we're all adults here." He wraps his arm around Niall's waist.

"I guess you're right." Niall sighs.

"We can still go and see what they're doing." Shawn raises his brows. "We just won't interrupt them."

"No, it's fine." He smiles. "Should we?"

"Lets go." He laughs and pulls Niall towards the pool area, he looks around spotting the two right away. He nudges Niall and points over to where they were, he smiles slowly.

"Well, that's boring." Niall huffs. "Are they really reading comic books?"

"They sure are." Shawn laughs again. "That's cute."

"Don't you tease them about it. This is good, they're getting along again." He smiles happily. "We should go back and start packing up. I'm ready to go home."

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