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a picture of me checking out my jawline 9/21/18

March 23rd 2026
11:22 PM / 23:22


"Why what?"

"Why can't you try to live? For Gerard? Your parents? Your friends? Me?"

"I'm sorry," Mikey quietly muttered.

"Don't be," (Y/N) sighed, shifting her body to face him.

"You've tried to kill yourself how, how many times since I left for university?"

"For those four years you were gone, more than twelve times. Since we started dating, two."

"Am I not good enough?" (Y/N) queried.

"Good enough? You're extraordinary."

"Then why can't you try to live for me?"



"...I'm sorry."

"Stop being sorry, no one's mad at you."

"You sound mad."

(Y/N) sighed, "I'm not mad, I'm just... worried. Maybe I'll have Awsten fill in for me on tour—"

"No, you should go on tour. Don't let me hold you back."

"Mikey— I love you, and I trust you. But, I also have a part of me that's saying you're going to try to kill yourself while I'm in another continent."



"I won't, I won't, I won't. I won't kill myself. I'll— I'll live for you. I wanna get married to the love of my life, and raise kids with her."

(Y/N) replied with a hopeless sigh.

"Are you positive?"

"Yes, (Y/N)."

"...Fine. But Gerard and I agreed that if you kill yourself, then the two of us are gonna jump off a building together."

"What— you can't just give me the pressure of two other people's lives on my shoulders!"

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding."

No, I'm not, (Y/N) thought to herself.

EMO BAND TEXTS 3 - EMO QUARTET AUWhere stories live. Discover now