262 15 3

April 4th 2026
11:27 PM / 23:27

The show had just ended, meaning that everyone was out celebrating the first show of the tour. Well, everyone but (Y/N). She had ended up not playing the show because she was 'sick', so Dallon filled in for her.

When it comes to where everyone is, Awsten and Lexie were out on a date at McDonald's because, why not. Dallon, Ryan, and Brendon were probably getting high at a guitar store that was somehow still open at this time of night. Geoff, Otto, Mai, Jacci, Gerard, and Raven were all at a crappy strip club nearby. This left (Y/N) on the bus all by herself, alone in her bunk because she was too depressed to do anything else. This meant that she was also thinking about killing herself like always, but she really wanted to this time.

"(Y/N)?" Gerard called as he walked into the bus.

(Y/N)'s breathing hitched as she looked down at the mess of both blood and Xanax on her sheet. She tried to stay quiet, but ultimately failed when Gerard had found her.

"(Y/N)!" Gerard rushed to get the first aid kit from the bathroom.

"Stop!" (Y/N) yelled at Gerard through her tears. "Just stop! Let me be!"

"Let you be?!" Gerard exclaimed. "I almost lost my little brother, I can't lose you!"

"I don't need your fucking help Gerard!" (Y/N) snapped at him. "I've fixed everything else by myself! Let me fix this myself!"

"No!" Gerard almost yelled at her. "(Y/N), there's no good reason for you to be doing this. You obviously need help!"

"Why the fuck can't you just listen to me?" (Y/N) asked him.

"I've listened to you say that your fine hundreds of times and I didn't believe you. This just proves that I was right and you're not and you have some sort of emotional trauma that you need to get professional help for," Gerard told her.

(Y/N)'s phone then started to ring and Gerard grabbed it before she could. Mikey was facetiming her and Gerard thought this would be the best time to tell him what had just happened.

"Mikey," Gerard breathed out when the call connected. "Please talk to your fiancé. She needs someone who really understands her."

"Gerard what the fuck are you talking about?" Mikey asked his brother, obviously confused about why he answered the phone, and not (Y/N).

"No Gerard!" (Y/N) tried to stop him. "I'm fine!"

"What is going on?!" Mikey demanded, now very concerned.

"She just tried to fucking kill herself Mikey!" Gerard wiped away the tear that fell from his eye. "I'm glad I decided to leave the club when I did and come back. If I hadn't she'd already be dead!"

"(Y/N)," Mikey said and Gerard gave her the phone.

"I'm so sorry Mikey," (Y/N) apologized, still crying. "I had flashbacks to years ago and thought too much about it and this happened."

"Don't apologize babe," Mikey tried to comfort her. "I still love you and always will. All that matters is you didn't. Now this gives me a reason to come join you on tour."

"I love you so much Mikey," (Y/N) smiled through her tears. "I'm so glad Gee found me. I would've regret it so much."

"I'm glad he found you too. I'm also glad you found me too," Mikey told her.

"I'm so happy with you, please don't think that this has anything to do with you," (Y/N) looked hopefully at him.

"I never thought it was. I'll see you as soon as it's possible," Mikey smiled. "I love you and stay safe."

"I love you too Mikey, and I will," (Y/N) promised.

EMO BAND TEXTS 3 - EMO QUARTET AUWhere stories live. Discover now