190 12 9

August 2nd 2026
3:46 PM / 15:46

Everyone sat in the Cut Me Loose house, just chilling out since they had just finished their tour when Mai entered the living room wearing a large backpack and carrying a large duffle bag.

"I'm going to Starbucks," She announced. "Does anyone want anything?"

"Yeah, I want some coffee bitch," Raven replied, not noticing the large bags at all.

"Okay," Mai nervously smiled at everyone and made her way out the front door.

(Y/N) turned to Lexie who was scrolling through her twitter, following people and liking their tweets.

"Did you also see any large bags?" (Y/N) asked her.

Lexie looked up from her phone, "No."

"Okay then," (Y/N) shrugged.

Instead of going to Starbucks like she said, Mai was heading to the airport. Since she had the money now, she enrolled into an art college in California and decided to leave, quitting the band in the process, without anyone knowing.

6:23 PM / 18:23
Raven + Mai

Raven: bitch wheres my coffee

Mai: you're not gonna get it

Raven: wtf is that supposed to mean

Raven: ive been waiting for this coffee since like 3:30

Raven: d i s s a p o i n t m e n t

Mai: Raven, i left i'm not planning on coming back

Raven: did you pull a Juliet and go and elope with Mike Cheddar

Mai: i'm going to college

Mai: make sure Lexie finds a replacement

Raven: Mai?

Raven: you fucking rat

Raven: are you serious


Raven: f u c k y o u

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