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December 24th 2026
11:13 PM / 23:13

"You can put me down now, Mikes," (Y/N) giggled as her newlywed husband finally put her down from carrying her bridal style.

"Yes! I can use my legs again!" (Y/N) stood up straight, faking enthusiasm as Mikey rolled his eyes, "Are we going to bed or watching Christmas movies?"

"...Does Stranger Things count as a Christmas series?"

"...No, but let's go Princess," Mikey said, scooping (Y/N) back up and carrying her to their bedroom.


11:28 PM / 23:28

"Hey handsome," Lexie semi-shouted, "we leaving or not?"

"LET ME BEAT THIS RATTY WHORE FIRST!" Awsten screeched, causing KenZ, Gerard, Raven, and Lexie to all shoot their heads in his direction. There Awsten and Jacci sat on the floor, in front of the television, playing Mortal Kombat X.

"...Okay," Lexie submitted, slightly startled by the fact that the only other time Awsten has ever been that aggressive is when he found out about the cocaine.

"Did you just get... scared by Awsten Knight?" Raven chuckled, biting off one end of the candy cane she had been sucking on for the past five minutes.

"Yes, Cheryl. Yes I did. Yes I am."

"Il sesso potrebbe essere molto interessante stasera," KenZ smirked to herself as Gerard and Raven looked at her in confusion. Lexie, on the other hand, gave KenZ a dirty look.


"First of all, it's il sesso dovrebbe essere molto interessante stasera allora. Fake Italian," Lexie scoffed, causing KenZ's eyes to widen and for her to cover her mouth with her hands as she walked away.

"Mhm, that's what I thought. Walk away, whore," Lexie muttered.

"Alright, let's go," Awsten smiled widely, walking over to Lexie and draping his arm around her shoulder.

"God fucking— I HOPE YOU ROT, T H O T !" Jacci war cried, obviously pissed that she lost against Awsten, throwing her controller at the back of his head.

"HEY." Awsten turned around, rubbing the back of his head. "DO YOU WANNA DIE YOU—" "Okay, Awsten," Lexie rolled her eyes, pulling her fiancé away from her bitter cousin. "Bye guys," she sighed as Jacci, Raven, KenZ, and Gerard said their goodbyes in unison when Lexie dragged her beloved out the door with him.


11:35 PM / 23:35

"I'm sorry, but I never trusted him."



"Bob never did anything! All he did was love Joyce! He is a HERO," (Y/N) argued. "I never did anything but love you, but you still want me dead," Mikey muttered, causing (Y/N) to roll her eyes and peck him on the lips. "Don't lie to yourself, I love you so fucking much." Mikey sighed. "I love you more, Princess," Mikey turned off the television and placed the remote down, then kissed (Y/N) on the neck.

"Merry Christmas, babe,"(Y/N) yawned, cuddling into Mikey's chest. "Merry Christmas, Princess."

11:47 PM / 23:47

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