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thot I looked cute, might delete later 1!!2!12!1!!2!1

^^ Okay I posted that yesterday I just dyed my hair red and I might force my boyfriend to dye his hair red too idk

April 21st 2027
7:27 AM / 07:28

Mikey Way @mikeyway
Lexie is stealing my identity again wtf

Mikey Way @alexknight
(replying to @mikeyway)
im the real Mikey Way shut the fuck up you fake bitch


"Maybe we should just give up," (Y/N) suggested, cuddling into Mikey's chest. "What if we have another miscarriage?"

"That was 2024, (Y/N)," Mikey rubbed her back. "We can adopt," (Y/N) suggested. Mikey sucked his teeth, "I don't want some other dudes kid though, I want yours."

(Y/N) blushed and looked down. "Do you wanna try one more time before I have to go on tour?"

"Now?" Mikey smirked, shifting himself so he was hovering above her.

"Sure," (Y/N) chewed on her bottom lip, pulling her maroon colored tank top over her head and threw it to the side. Mikey was already shirtless, he started to unbutton his black skinny jeans, taking his boxers with them.

"I hate that someone can be as perfect as you," Mikey commented, planting kisses down (Y/N)'s neck.

"If I'm so perfect then why can't I give you a baby," (Y/N) muttered, causing Mikey to roll his eyes at her as he unclasped her bra and threw it aside, then continued kissing down her chest.

"You're perfect. Don't tell yourself otherwise, Princess." Mikey hummed as (Y/N) pulled off her shorts and underwear.

Mikey's lips wrapped around one of (Y/N)'s nipples, flicking the other one between his fingers.

"M—Mikey," (Y/N) moaned, tangling her fingers in his hair. "I app—reciate the f—foreplay but just fuck me al—already."

"Whatever you want, Princess," he obeyed, positioning himself over (Y/N).

Mikey slowly slid himself inside of (Y/N), dragging his eyes up to hers to get the signal for when to move.

(Y/N) smiled and put her left hand on the back of his neck, "you can move, baby."

Mikey started to thrust into (Y/N) at a moderate pace as she dragged his head lower down until his lips connected to hers. (Y/N) disconnected her lips from Mikey's and spoke lowly into his ear, "faster." Mikey began to quicken his pace as his face his in the crook of (Y/N)'s neck, and the both of them filled the room with uncontrollable moans. One of his hands moves to (Y/N)'s clit, teasing the bundle of nerves and yanking loud and unashamed moans from her mouth. (Y/N) started to feel the coil in her abdomen starting to tighten.

"F—fucking s-s—shit Mikey, I'm gonna—"

"Me too Princess, me t—too."

Mikey's thrusts started quickening in pace and became sporadic. Less than twenty seconds later, him and (Y/N) both rode out their highs as Mikey came inside of her, before falling to her side.

"I love you," (Y/N) panted as her body twitched.

"I love you more, Princess," Mikey said, securing his left arm around (Y/N) and pulling her closer to him.

"Do you think that might've worked?" (Y/N) asked, hopefully.

"Time will only tell, Princess."


I haven't written smut in forever this sucks but not as bad as Kenz's smut lmao

Also hi Alex I know you're reading this I love you bitch


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