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y'all like the new covers?

November 2nd 2014
9:21 PM / 21:21

It was a typical weekend, meaning that Mikey and (Y/N) were having sleepover at his house. The two, both in eighth grade, had sleepovers almost every weekend since they're best friends.

"I'm going to get changed," 14 year-old (Y/N) told 14 year-old Mikey.

"Okay. I'll get a movie ready," Mikey replied, going over to his T.V.

"Nothing crappy!" (Y/N) yelled, walking into the bathroom.

Mikey, being the rat he is, accidentally opened the door to the room (Y/N) was getting changed in. She had bottoms on and was in the middle of putting her shirt on when he saw what looked like scars on the side of her ribs.

"Woah woah woah! What the heck?!" Mikey exclaimed.

(Y/N) finished putting on her shirt and turned to Mikey, "What's wrong with you?"

Mikey backed up a bit and closed the door. It didn't really help though since 15 year-old Gerard had went over to hear what was going on since he heard what sounded like Mikey almost yelling at (Y/N).

"This might be weird, but can you lift up your shirt?" Mikey asked (Y/N)

"Uh, no," (Y/N) stated, clearly confused and uncomfortable.

Mikey kept asking her until she said, "Why do you want me to?"

"Why won't you?" Mikey shot back at her.

"Just leave it alone Mikey. There's nothing there," (Y/N) walked past him and out of the bathroom, ignoring Gerard.

10:13 PM / 22:13

(Y/N) and Mikey were laying on his bed, watching a movie. When she stretched, her scars were exposed.

"What the fuck is that?" Mikey was quick to see.

(Y/N) nervously pulled her shirt down, "Nothing, you rat."

Mikey, not taking "nothing" for an answer, rolled over and pulled it up, so he could see exactly what was there.

"What the hell!" Mikey exclaimed.

"You fucking rat!" (Y/N) quickly got off the bed and grabbed her stuff. "I'm going home."

Mikey grabbed (Y/N)'s wrist to stop her from walking out, which caused her to turn around and try to protest before he cut her off.

"No! I'm done with you saying you're fine when you're obviously not!" Gerard, being the sneaky bitch he is, went to Mikey's door to hear what was going on again. "(Y/N), you're fucking cutting yourself, and I don't know why! Brendon probably doesn't even know why, and he's your brother! Jesus fucking Christ, why are you doing this?!"

(Y/N) wiped her eyes, "It's none of your fucking business bitch!"

"Stop fucking telling me something along the lines of that!" Mikey demanded.

"My parents fucking hit me Michael!" (Y/N) yelled. "I mean it's normal for it to happen every once in a while, but now it's been almost every damn day for no fucking reason!"

"(Y/N), just stay here then," Mikey had calmed down a bit. "Why would you want to go back to the place that causes you to do stuff like this?"

"I don't know," (Y/N) sat back on Mikey's bed.

"Promise me you'll stop though?" Mikey asked.

"I'll try Mikey," (Y/N) sighed. "I'll try."

EMO BAND TEXTS 3 - EMO QUARTET AUWhere stories live. Discover now