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September 23rd 2026
3:28 PM / 15:28

Gerard and (Y/N) sat in Starbucks, drinking coffee, when she decided to ask a question, very bluntly.

"So have you and Kenzie fucked yet?" (Y/N) smirked.

"Um," Gerard stayed quiet. "I was kinda planning on that tonight."

"Tea," (Y/N) took a sip from her coffee. "I have a music suggestion though."

"Yeah?" Gerard questioned.

"Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino by the Arctic Monkeys," She wiggled her eyebrows.

"Oh?" Gerard slightly smiled. "That's kind of an odd one."

"Excuse me, have you ever heard it?" (Y/N) asked. "It's the sexiest album in the world."

"I'm not sure of sexiest but-"

"Hey!" (Y/N) got up from her chair. "Have any of you heard of the album called Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino by the Arctic Monkeys?"

There was a bunch of random murmurs until a girl stood up and started to sing, "Kiss me under the moon sideboob."

"See," (Y/N) pointed out as she sat back down. "People know what that is."

"Wait," Another girl stood up. "Isn't that (Y/N) Urie and Gerard Way?"

"Oh Jesus fucking Christ," (Y/N) sighed.

"You mean Mikey fucking Way," Gerard smiled.

"Shut up and let's go. I have my fiancé to get to and you and your girlfriend have to go fuck to Arctic Monkeys," (Y/N) winked.

hi it's my first time writing smut and lexie had to send me something about how to write it. also, it's really fucking fluffy so...

September 23rd 2026
10:24 PM / 22:24

"Can I change the vinyl?" Gerard asked, lying on Kenz's bed.

"Sure," She shrugged, not really listening to the new Fall Out Boy record, Save Rock And Roll, that much.

Gerard decided to take (Y/N)'s advice with the Arctic Monkeys album, and started to play it on the record player.

"Is there a reason you're playing this?" Kenz questioned once Gerard laid back down.

"No," Gerard shook his head, "just don't really like Fall Out Boy."

He leaned close to her and smashed his lips on to hers. Kenz tried to stifle a moan, but ended up failing because she had never had to stop herself from moaning before. That caused Gerard to smile and put his face in the crook of her neck and giggled.

"You fucking rat," Gerard laughed.

He then moved down her neck, on to her collarbone, leaving small bruises with his rough kisses.

"Gee," Kenz moaned out. "Just don't leave too many marks."

"I'm not sure I can promise that," Gerard smirked, getting up and turning off the light.

The only source was then a few candles they had lighten earlier. Gerard attached his lips back to Kenz's, then pulled at the bottom of her shirt, wanting to take it off.

"Uh, Gee," Kenz hesitated.

"Yeah sugar?" Gerard asked.

"Gee, I'm still a virgin," She replied quietly, looking away from him.

"...You were married though," Gerard pointed out.

"Why do you think I got divorced?" Kenz queried.

"Tea," He simply said. "But I'll be gentle, I promise."

"Are you sure? I haven't even gotten past first base, let alone all the way through," She nervously said.

"Don't worry," Gerard promised. "I won't do anything without your consent."

"Okay," Kenz agreed.

They went back to making out and Gerard hovered over her, pulling at the hem of her shirt again, then pulled it over Kenz's head once she lifted up her arms.

"Fuck," Gerard breathed. "You're beyond gorgeous, you're fucking stunning."

"Can I, uh, take off your shirt too," Kenz faltered, blushing, and taking a grip of his shirt.

"Of course," Gerard allowed her to take off his shirt.

"You're really handsome Gee," She smiled at her boyfriend.

(we been knew - Lexie 2018)

They took off each other's pants until, but when Gerard reached up to undo Kenz's bra, her breathing hitched.

"Can I, uh, keep it on please," Kenz stuttered.

"Whatever you want sugar," Gerard leaned down and kissed her again.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a condom, then opened the small package.

"I can do this part if you want," Gerard stated.

"Okay," Kenz nodded.

Gerard took the condom out and pulled down his boxers, putting the condom on his dick, while Kenz took off her underwear.

"You ready?" He lined himself up with her.

"Yeah," Kenz breathed out.

Gerard slowly pushed himself in, allowing Kenz to adjust to his length.

"Jesus Christ," She moaned out.

"Are you okay?" Gerard asked.

"Yeah," Kenz moaned out again.

He smashed his lips on to hers, silencing the moans of pleasure that came from both of them. Sweat covered their foreheads, while Kenz tightened around Gerard.

"Gee, I think I'm going to-"

"I know," Gerard breathed out.

After they both hit their climax, Gerard fell on to the bed space next to Kenz, caught their breaths, and then pulled her close, then passionately made out with her.

"How was it?" Gerard questioned once he pulled away.

"So fucking great," Kenz replied. "I'm so glad I waited for this."

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