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[by the way the picture above is what KenZ got as a tattoo except the purple is teal]

"Wow, surprised your arm and shoulder aren't bleeding!" Lexie jokes, causing Kenz to roll her eyes and close the passenger's side door.

"What are we doing now?" Kenz sighed as Lexie started the ignition.

"We're going to Sally's. What color do you want?" Lexie stated.

"BLUE! Uhh— blue. Blue." Kenz screeched.

"Okay then," Lexie chuckled as they drove off to Sally's to retrieve sky blue hair dye, seafoam green hair dye, and hair bleach. All, of course, being Manic Panic™.


"Lexie what're you doing— OH MY GOD YOU ACTUALLY DID IT," Raven shouted as Lexie and Kenz ran though the house and to the bathroom to dye Kenz's hair.

"BYE!" Lexie shouted, pushing Kenz into the bathroom and then running into the bathroom, locking the door behind her.

"...What?" Raven confusedly said aloud.


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