179 13 1

we be in detention boys


April 20th 2027
6:26 PM / 18:26

Alex Knight @alexknight
Should I change my ribs?

Josh💕 @alexslefthand
(replying to @alexknight)
why Alex all of a sudden ?

Alex Knight @alexknight
bc i felt like it suck my ass

Josh💕 @alexslefthand
wow o k a y


(Y/N) Way @(Y/N)Way
shit I have to tour in like five days this is gonna s u c k .

(Y/N) Way @(Y/N)Way
okay that sounded rude as fuck of course I'm excited to meet all of y'all I just hate being stuck on the same bus as Raven,, I already lived with her for 4 years,,

8:26 PM / 20:26

Lexie walked into her house that night, expecting to see Awsten in the living room, but he wasn't.

"AWSTEN?!" Lexie called out.

"I'm in the bedroom!" Awsten replied.

Lexie groaned, walking down the hall into the bedroom, throwing her jacket on the floor, before slamming herself on the bed, "WE NEED TO TALK."

"Okay," Awsten slightly chuckled.

"ITS NOT FUNNY, ITS SERIOUS!" Lexie yelled into the pillow.

"Alright," He pulled his wife up so she was looking at him. "Just please don't tell me you want a divorce, or you're pregnant."

"You might want a divorce after I tell you," Lexie muttered to herself.

"What was that?" Awsten asked.

"Nothing," She replied.

And then there was three minutes of silence.

"So... are you gonna... you know... tell me what was so urgent to say?"

Lexie replied with a mumble and stared up at the ceiling.

Awsten chuckled, "Lexie."

"I don't know how to say it!"

"YOU DO WANT A DIVORCE ! " Awsten joked, causing Lexie to almost immediately shoot her head in his direction. "NO?!"

"Then what?" Awsten asked again, becoming slightly agitated.

"Awsten," Lexie whined, "can I just back out of this now?"

"Depends, how important is it that you tell me?"

"Very," Lexie shifted her body to face Awsten, "but it can wait...?"

"Can it really?"

"No..." Lexie muttered, looking all around the room to avoid eye contact with Awsten.

"Did you cheat on me? Look, if you cheated on me—"

"Awsten, I didn't cheat on you!" Lexie shouted, tears starting to stream down her cheeks as she sat up straight.

"Then what is it?" Awsten sat up, tremendously confused.

"Aws," Lexie choked back her tears, "I'm trans."

"Babe," Awsten chuckled, cupping Lexie's face and wiping away her tears with his thumb, "I don't care. I still love you."

"Wait," a smile immediately appeared on Lexie's face. "So you don't want a divorce?"

"Lexie, who do you think I am?" Awsten questioned. "Of course I don't want a divorce. I love and will always support you. That's my job as your husband."

"Holy shit," Lexie breathed out. "I thought the worst was going to happen, but it didn't."

"Alright," Awsten stood up as well to give her a hug. "I love you."

"I love you too, Blueberry," She responded.

Once they pulled away from the hug, Awsten looked up to her, "Wait, what should I call you instead of Lexie? Or is it just Alex now?"

Lexie looked up at him, "Mikey."

Awsten started to laugh before he saw Lexie, now Mikey, wasn't laughing along with him.

"Please tell me you aren't serious," Awsten groaned.

"I am," he smirked. "I am."

"That's going to get so confusing, especially when we're around the other Mikey," Awsten whined.

"Stop whining," Mikey hit his shoulder. "You don't have to call me Mikey around everyone else. Only when it's just you and I."

"I guess that's a little better," Awsten murmured.

"Okay," Mikey flopped down on the bed again. "I'm going to bed. Goodnight."

"You're still in your clothes," Awsten pointed out.

"So," Mikey shrugged.

"Whatever," Awsten rolled his eyes. "Love you."

"Love you too," Mikey said as he shut off the light.

9:39 PM / 21:39


Mikey Way @mikeyway
(replying to @awsten)

(Y/N) Way @(Y/N)Way


I literally just made fried chicken and French fries and haven't eaten them yet bc I needed to finish this chapter



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