212 13 2

October 13th 2026
1:33 AM / 01:33

"We're going to watch Saw because I said so," Lexie announced, clicking the movie on Netflix.

Raven got off the couch to make popcorn, but ended up tripping and spilling it.

"Nice job, Cheryl," Awsten and Lexie said at the same time, with the same tone.

"Just fucking help me pick it up!" Raven snapped, clearly tired of the 'Cheryl' bullshit.

"Not my house bitch," Lexie shrugged, playing the movie.

"Ugh," Raven groaned, picking up all the spilled popcorn.

2:57 AM / 02:57

It was about halfway through Saw, and at this point, Awsten had gotten so scared that he wrapped his arms around Lexie's stomach, causing her to almost suffocate.

"Bitch fucking let go," She wheezed.

w h e e z e -Lexie

Awsten loosened his grip a bit, but ultimately still held Lexie for his own comfort.

"Why did you let Lexie choose this movie?" Mikey leaned over to (Y/N)

"Shut up and just watch it," She whispered.

3:52 AM / 03:52

"Okay, I'm gonna go now," Kenz got up from the couch, trying to stop herself from throwing up.

"Bitch ass rat," Lexie muttered. "You can't even make it through the first scene in the second movie."

"Bye Lexie," She rolled her eyes. "Just remember not to watch The Untold Truth of Bob Ross without me."

"Okay whatever rat," Lexie went back to watching the movie.

"You know, I'm gonna go too," Gerard said, and (Y/N) raised her eyebrows, smirking.

"Why?" She slyly smiled.

"Because I'm tired and want to go to sleep," He tried to sound convincing, and did, to everyone except for (Y/N) and Mikey.

"Bye lemonhead," Lexie waved.

5:34 AM / 05:34

"Wanna go home?" Lexie turned to Awsten.

They were the only two that were still awake since (Y/N) and Mikey had already left, and Raven and Jacci had fallen asleep.

"Yeah," Awsten nodded. "And also, no more Saw, please."

"Whatever, blueberry boy," Lexie shrugged.

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