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This is Jason. I found him in my basement today.

May 4th 2026
8:37 / 20:37

"Okay guys, this is a song still in the works, but someone told us to explain," (Y/N) announced as the band started playing Pet Cheetah.

8:57 PM / 20:57

"Anyways, before we go, we're bring everyone on stage to sing happy birthday to Dallon," (Y/N) casually said as Mikey, Gerard, Awsten, Brendon, Jack, Alex, Zach, Rian walked on stage. Ryan ran on stage with Dallon being carried like a potato sack over his shoulder.

Ryan put him down, but only after he was sure Dallon wouldn't run off stage.

Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday dear Snallon Weekes...

Happy birthday to you!

"I hate you ALL!" Dallon ran off stage.

"Does he know that he's playing his set now?" Gerard walked over to (Y/N) and took her mic.

"I would think so?" (Y/N) snatched her mic back from the poptarts stealer™.

10:27 PM / 22:27

"Mikey's Stupid Girlfriend" @(Y/N)Urie
my blood is glow stick juice. thats why all my bones crack when i move.

goth claudia @gerardway
(replying to @(Y/N)Urie)
Explains how you bring light to everything

"Mikey's Stupid Girlfriend" @(Y/N)Urie

goth claudia @gerardway

Mikey Way @mikeyway

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