272 10 35

Trashy Tranny™

October 21st 2026
3:48 PM / 15:48

Mikey Way @lexieway_
w h   o     o       p            s

Mikey Way @lexieway_w h   o     o       p            s

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Austen @softgaskarth
UwU it me

Josiah @josiahgarnett
Waterparks is overrated

Austen @softgaskarth
(replying to @josiahgarnett)
Imao do you know how fuckin overrated top is? You're funny

Josiah @josiahgarnett
nah dude just cause they more whiny fans doesn't mean they're better

Austen @softgaskarth
You do realize tøp has the whiniest fans out of any band right lmao?

Austen @softgaskarth
top has the most toxic fans and are extremely overrated so get out buddy uwu

Josiah @josiahgarnett
the fact that you just say uwu means you've lost my respect. The "clique" is a bunch of bullshit bandwagon fans that ruined a great community for indie music. They're great people and are super down to earth. And TØP isn't overrated just over exposed. It's easy to get sick of them fangirling ads etc but if you just listen to the music it's actually great

Austen @softgaskarth
I have listened to the music You're shutting down your own argument about fan bases than. And I said uwu ironically bucko.

Josiah @josiahgarnett
cause you're a fuckin weeb. And l meant to say worse on my first post btw I was out of it when I wrote. I was pointing out that they're better their fans. And f you don't like indie music you can go suck a dick and stop hating on the scene. Waterparks music is trash and Awsten a straight dickhead

Austen @softgaskarth
do you know what weeb means Imao? You can go suck a dick too buddy. And no he's really not a dick coming from someone who's met him twice and been a fan for almost two years now but go off

Jasmine | Probably Crying @awstensvocals

Jasmine | Probably Crying @awstensvocals
UwU bitch

Josiah @josiahgarnett
you sound like like
someone obsessed with Japanese when you gay shit like uwu

Austen @softgaskarth
....it's a joke....

Josiah @josiahgarnett
so is your life

Austen @softgaskarth
yeah. What do you want from me now like. I hate tøp. You hate waterparks. we don't need to discuss further

Josiah @josiahgarnett
you're already sucking awstens dick so keep your faggotry yourself

Jasmine | Probably Crying @awstensvocals
damn we really be using homophobic slurs now? Yikes you really are a child

Austen @softgaskarth
I am a faggot but I don't like Aws like that hes one of my idols😪

Josiah @josiahgarnett
but you still kiss his butt

Josiah @josiahgarnett
@awstensvocals fuck off fag

Austen @softgaskarth
I love him what can I say. He deserves to be defended. You sound kinda gay for Tyler Imao

Josiah @josiahgarnett
how? I said like TØP music and that's it. You can't revert this back to me cause I don't call him baby and lick my lips. He's a cool dude but l don't want gay buttsex w him

Austen @softgaskarth
I don't want that are u ok? When did I ever say that. Please. Just go away. You've proved your point.

Josiah @josiahgarnett
that Waterparks eat shit

Mikey Way @lexieway_
well this is toxic and cursed

Josiah @josiahgarnett

Mikey Way @lexieway_
I just watched you trash my boyfriend, his band, and some kid you don't even know—

i love mikey @(Y/N)Urie
Awsten and I are hanging out and he says "cool story dude"

goth claudia @gerardway
this is cursed

i love mikey @(Y/N)Urie
the edgy teens are trying to take over

goth claudia @(Y/N)Urie
it's too late

they already have

i love mikey @(Y/N)Urie

goth claudia @(Y/N)Urie

i love mikey @(Y/N)Urie
tHeY'rE gOnNa ClEaN uP yOuR lOoKs

goth claudia @(Y/N)Urie
oh no

i love mikey @(Y/N)Urie
WiTh AlL tHe LiEs in ThE bOoKs

goth claudia @(Y/N)Urie

i love mikey @(Y/N)Urie

goth claudia @(Y/N)Urie


Sorry for the inconsistent chapters. But h e y i scare the living shit out of Gerard Way

Anyways I'm tired and sad and I really need to come out to my friend Austen but I'm nervous more than I was with any of my other friends because he is also trans? I need help ah


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