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October 1st 2026
1:12 AM / 01:12

It was one in the morning when Gerard opened the door to his girlfriend's house, walking into her room.

"THIS IS HALLOWEEN, THIS IS HALLOWEEN," Kenz screamed the lyrics, her back to him.

"Happy Spooky Month!" Gerard exclaimed, causing Kenz to jump.

"Fucking Christ Gerard," She paused the music on her phone.

"It's Spooky Month!" Gerard smiled, un-pausing the music, but turning it down.

"Why do you think I'm listening to the whole Nightmare Before Christmas album?" Kenz questioned, raising her eyebrows.

"Because you're an angsty teen who feeds off memes and Tim Burton movies," He smirked.

"Bitch you forgot the part about me being a cuntasorus rex," She rolled her eyes.

"Um, I'm just gonna go now," Gerard hesitated. "I'll see you later."

1:33 AM / 01:33

Gerard opened the door to Mikey and (Y/N)'s house before quietly walking into their bedroom, then started screaming.


"What the fuck," The two opened their eyes and saw Gerard, standing with a big smile, at the door.

"Gerard?!" (Y/N) exclaimed, pulling the sheet up closer to her body. "How the fuck did you get inside?"

"I have my ways," He grinned. "Also, are you two naked?"

"Uh, yeah, it's our house," Mikey asserted. "We don't walk into your house in the middle of the night, asking if you and your girlfriend are naked."

"Well then," Gerard commented. "I'll just go now."

"Please do," Mikey groaned.

1:57 AM / 01:57

Gerard was yet again going to break into another house, this time Awsten and Lexie's.

"What the fuck?" He walked in a saw a huge pile of both fox and cheetah stuffed animals.


Gerard turned around and saw Lexie standing in the hallway, Awsten following her.

"HAPPY SPOOKY MONTH!" Gerard yelled, then walked back out the door, still confused, and scared, about the mountain of stuffed animals.

Lexie looked at Awsten and shrugged, then proceeded to yeet herself on to the pile of stuffed animals. Then Awsten yeeted himself right next to them and they just laid in the mountain of plushies for a while. Then they started throwing them at each other.

2:31 AM / 02:31

Gerard entered the CML house, and before he could even say one word, Raven swung at him with a frying pan, but ended up hitting herself instead.

"Happy Spooky Month!" Gerard laughed, watching as Raven held her head in pain.

"Waddup cuz," Jacci walked out of her bedroom.

"This is the weirdest house yet," Gerard started, walking back out the door.

2:43 AM / 02:43

"Last house," Gerard told himself.

He then started to climb up the side of it, because he is Mikey, and reached the open window.

"HAPPY SPOOKY MONTH!" Gerard yeeted himself into bedroom.

"ITS ALMOST HALLOW—WHAT THE FUCK?!" Brendon screamed, dropping his acoustic guitar.

"Hey, um, Happy Spooky Month!" Gerard smiled, picking up the guitar and handing it back to him.

"Thanks," Brendon took it back from him.

"Do you, umm... miss Ryan Ross or..."

Brendon took a deep sigh.

"Just because you're going to be my fucking brother in law does not mean I will not beat your ass, Gerard."

"And yes I do," Brendon quickly and quietly whispered.

"Okay, goodbye now," Gerard then climbed back out the window.

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