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April 4th 2026
6:47 PM / 18:47

"Hey, uh, Bren?" (Y/N) asked her twin brother, who was sitting on the tour bus lounge chair.

"Yeah?" Brendon questioned, not looking up from his phone.

"Uh," (Y/N) turned to Gerard. "Bitch, you tell him."

"Girl! Get a grip!" Gerard told her and she sighed.

"Fine," (Y/N) rolled her eyes as she walked over to the chair.

Brendon put down his phone as she did and looked at her once she sat down.

"Um," (Y/N) awkwardly started. "You know about the whole Kenny thing and stuff?"

"He was my fucking band member, of course I do," Brendon snapped at her.

"Yeah well, about two years ago he was pressuring me to sleep with him," (Y/N) said quietly, hoping Brendon wouldn't really catch it.

"Wait, what?!" Brendon exclaimed, basically jumping up from his seat.

"I mean I obviously told him no, but it did happen," (Y/N) looked at her brother while he ran his hand through his hair.

"Tell me what exactly happened," Brendon sat back down after nervously pacing.


June 18th 2024
8:23 PM / 20:23

(Y/N) sat on the couch in the Panic! dressing room, waiting for when they went on stage.

"Bren!" (Y/N) called to her twin. "When the fuck do you all go on stage?"

"I dunno, like nine or some shit like that," Brendon shrugged. "Why?"

"Just curious," (Y/N) replied, before going back to texting Mikey.

Kenny walked over and sat down, very close to where (Y/N) was too. He put his arm around her and she looked up at him and pushed it off her shoulder.

In the midst of all the laughter from the band, Kenny whispered to (Y/N), "You and I should hook up after tonight's show."

(Y/N) had to do a double take and realized it was indeed Kenny who said that.

"Um, I have a boyfriend, named Mikey if you didn't already know," (Y/N) told him awkwardly.

"He doesn't have to know," Kenny moved a bit closer to her.

"You have a wife, and a kid," (Y/N) pointed out to him.

"What they don't know, won't hurt them," Kenny smirked slyly.

"You're a fucking pervert!" (Y/N) whisper-shouted.

"Shush!" Kenny told her. "I don't want anyone to find out."

"Well there's no need for anyone to because it's not going to happen!" (Y/N) almost shouted at the guitarist. "You know what, tell Brendon that Mikey got sick. I'm fucking sick and tired of you and your fucking bullshit. I hope you rot in hell."

(Y/N) got up and walked out the door, not regretting a single word that came out of her mouth.

April 4th 2026
7:01 PM / 19:01

Brendon pulled his sister into a tight hug, mouthing to Gerard, "I'm going to fucking kill that bitch". He only stopped hugging (Y/N) once he realized that she was having a panic attack and the hug was making it worse.

"Hey, uh, Mikey," Awsten spoke quietly into his phone. "Your fiancé is having a panic attack over the Kenneth situation right now."

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