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like the song?

April 1st 2027
11:27 AM

"I hope you choke."

"It !! is !! not !! my !! fault !! That I won !! "

"Wedding rehearsal in thirty minutes. What are the bride and groom doing? Playing MarioKart," Raven rolled her eyes as Lexie pushed Awsten.

"Oh be quiet, I bought this house, and this game system," Lexie dismissed as Raven rolled her eyes once again. "But we really should get going," (Y/N) stated as she grabbed jacci's arm and looked at her watch, "it's time to g o ."

12:30 PM

"Your eyes were just dilated a looooot. Ooooohhhhh you loooove me," Awsten giggled once rehearsal was over, making Lexie roll her eyes and lightly punch his upper arm, "be quiet."

"Jeez, you weren't telling me to be quiet last night—" "AWSTEN CONSTANTINE KNIGHT, WE ARE IN A CHURCH STILL !" Raven alarmingly shouted at the older boy.

"I hate you all," (Y/N) sighed, rubbing her temples.

1:27 PM / 13:27

"Negative," muttered (Y/N) as she walked back into her's and Mikey's shared bedroom. "Third or fourth time already?" Mikey sighed, sitting up.

"Third," (Y/N) gently yeeted the pregnancy test into the trash can, and then flopped onto the bed, next to Mikey.

"Are we trying again?" Mikey asked, draping an arm around (Y/N).

"Yeah. But not right now. I'm fucking tired," (Y/N) yawned, turning to face him.

"I'm gonna take a nap. Good afternoon," (Y/N) mumbled as Mikey chuckled, "sweet dreams, princess."


"Hey," Awsten greeted Lexie in a quiet, low voice as he wrapped his arms around her from behind.

"Hey there," Lexie replied. Awsten loosened his grip slightly as she turned around to face him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Awsten suddenly smirked.

"What?" Lexie queried. "Your pupils just dilated a lot. You looooove me."

Lexie rolled her eyes, tilting her head upwards slightly. "I love you a lot."

"I love you more," Awsten smiled as his cheeks flushed a light pink. He tilted Lexie's chin upwards and leaned in. Their lips connected for a few seconds until Awsten pulled away. "We're getting married tomorrow," Lexie stated, biting her lip. "I know, finally," Awsten responded. He leaned down and kissed Lexie again. It was harder than the last one, and after a few seconds, Awsten pushed her again the kitchen counter as she clung to him like plastic wrap. Awsten boy Lexie's lip, asking for entrance, which Lexie was about to grant, but her phone started to buzz. Both sets of eyes shot open as Awsten stepped back and Lexie checked her phone.

"I gotta go pick up my nephew," Lexie casually announced, acting like nothing ever happened.

"You have a nephew??" Awsten asked, suddenly really confused. "I thought your sister was only fifteen!"

Lexie suddenly shot her head in Awsten's direction, "MY BROTHER IS 34, THOUGH."



Awsten then muttered something unintelligible.

"What?" Lexie asked, walking out of the kitchen and into her's and Awsten's room to grab her leather jacket.

"I wanted to have sex," Awsten whined.

"Fuck off, you horny whore."

"You can't just lead me on like that!"

Lexie rolled her eyes, "are you coming with me or not?"

"Yeah," Awsten sighed.


"Hey Awsten," Lexie's little sister, Hannah, smiled as she opened the door. "Move," Lexie pushed Hannah out of the way by her h e a d . "r o o d ," Hannah muttered as Lexie walked into her brother's house with Awsten following behind. Lexie silently flipped Hannah off as she walked into the living room where their older brother Gavin was.

"Hey dude," Lexie casually greeted as Gavin looked up from his phone. "Lexie! Awsten! It's so good to see you guys!" He walked over to the two. He hugged Lexie, and gave Awsten "daps".

"Where's your son who you 'coincidentally' named Alex?" Lexie asked as Alex coincidentally walked out of his room.


"Hey Aunt Lexie," Alex smiled as he walked down the hallway, into the living room. "Hey," she replied as he walked over to her to hug. Alex was 5'5. He had short light purple hair with the shaved sides brown, pale-ish skin, light freckles, and pearly white teeth. (Here, have a picture of my son.)

"Hi, I'm Alexander," Alex extended his hand out for Awsten to shake

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"Hi, I'm Alexander," Alex extended his hand out for Awsten to shake.


"I know, I'm a big fan—HEY!" Alex whined as Hannah thumped his forehead as she walked by. "What was that for?"

"For existing," Hannah cheerfully smiled.

"I'm telling mom," Lexie announced, pulling her phone out of her pocket.

"NO!" Hannah begged.

"Haha," Alex stuck his tongue out at Hannah.

"This is interesting," Awsten commented.

"It's been worse," Lexie stated. "Way worse."

EMO BAND TEXTS 3 - EMO QUARTET AUWhere stories live. Discover now