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August 31st 2017
7:34 PM / 19:34

"(Y/N)!" Brendon knocked on her bedroom door. "I need help with the algebra homework!"

"Figure it out yourself!" She replied back to him. "I'm kinda busy right now!"

"Fucking goddammit," Brendon muttered to himself.

Brendon, being a rat just like Mikey, opened the door anyways because he's impatient.

"Help me with my algebra hom- WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" Brendon screamed at (Y/N), slamming the door behind him.

(Y/N) sat on her bed, a razor in her hand, making small cuts on her left thigh. She grabbed tissues as quick as she could and pulled her shorts down.


Brendon sat next to his twin sister, who slapped him as soon as he did.

"I mean, I did deserve that, but why the fuck are you cutting yourself?" Brendon demanded, still angry about that and the algebra homework.

"You really do?" She asked while Brendon nodded his head, "Someone at school told me to either stop talking to all my friends, or cut myself then swallow the blade and overdose so I can die. So, I did cut myself and almost killed myself," (Y/N) pointed at the bottle of Zoloft sitting on her bed.

Brendon snatched the bottle from her reach and shoved it in his sweatshirt pocket. He also took the blade that was still on (Y/N)'s other thigh.

"I'll be keeping the Zoloft with me, and you'll come to me when you need it," Brendon got off her bed. "I'm gonna go now."

"Don't tell mom or dad," (Y/N) looked up at him. "Please."

"Fine," Brendon sighed. "But just promise me you won't do it again."

"I won't Bren," (Y/N) reassured him.

"Okay, night," Brendon closed the door.

"Well fuck," (Y/N) said to herself.

8:11 PM / 20:11
Mikey + Brendon

Brendon: hey

Mikey: are you also having trouble with the algebra homework

Brendon: yeah

Brendon: but that wasnt why i wanted to talk to you

Mikey: why

Brendon: so, i went to ask (Y/N) to help with the homework because shes smarter than me. when i went in her room, she was cutting and planning on killing herself

Mikey: bitch you better not be lying

Brendon: im her twin brother

Mikey: thats why i think youre lying though

Brendon: im not at all lying about this. its 100% true

Mikey: o h

Brendon: yeah. i have to finish my algebra now. bye

Mikey: bye

September 1st 2017
7:34 AM / 07:34

"What the fuck did you do to yourself last night?!"

(Y/N) turned around and saw Mikey storming towards her.

"Hey bro what's wrong with you?" (Y/N) asked him, confused at the sudden outburst.

"Wrong with me?!" Mikey exclaimed, pulling her over to the side so they're not surrounded by everyone. "Why did Brendon text me last night and said you fucking cut yourself?!"

"That fucking rat I'm going to murder him," (Y/N) started to walk away, but Mikey grabbed her shoulder.

"Why the fuck did you do it though?" Mikey interrogated.

"Someone told me to," (Y/N) trailed off.

"Okay then," Mikey started. "So if you do things that people tell you to do now, then do what I tell you and stop."

"Okay, whatever," (Y/N) agreed, "But I have to go to class now so bye."

"Bye," Mikey replied.

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