228 16 22

December 13th 2026
6:49 PM / 18:49

"Welcome! Please seat yourselves in the main hall, you will find your name on a place card placed on the seat!" Raven chirped with faux enthusiasm, a fake smiled plastered onto her face. The guests chattered excitedly, most of them making unoriginal jokes in reference to "I Write Sins Not Tragedies." Others spoke about how interesting it would be to finally see the Cut Me Loose girls in dresses. 'Why the fuck am I the greeter?' Raven thought, becoming increasingly impatient and frustrated. 'Shouldn't it be kenz or something?'

"Oh, hello, welcome!" She greeted a large influx of people. "Please sit in your assigned seat according to the place cards!" She directed, forcing a grin.


"OW, WHY THE FUCK IS THIS SO TIGHT!1?2!1?" (Y/N) screeched as her and Brendon's mother tightened the ribbon around (Y/N)'s waist. "Oh, be quiet," Lexie muttered from somewhere in the room as (Y/N)'s mother tied (Y/N)'s corset up. "If I have to suffer, you do too."

"Both of you be quiet," Mrs. Urie huffed, stepping away from (Y/N) and admiring her hard work, "it is imperative that you look perfect today."

"Mikey wouldn't be marrying his ex if he didn't think she was already perfect," Lexie snickered, picking up her phone to text Awsten.

"SHHHUT THE FUCK UP1!1!2!1!2!1" (Y/N) hissed, whipping around to give Lexie a glare. Lexie's only response was a quick laugh as Mrs. Urie looked at (Y/N) with utter bewilderment. I guess the cat's out of the box," Lexie chuckled, wiping away tears that formed in the corners of her eyes from laughing too hard. (Y/N)'s face was properly red with anger and embarrassment.

"(Y/N)," sternly said Mrs. Urie.


"What does Alexandra mean by 'ex'?"



"Fuck, I'm so nervous," Mikey whispered to his best man.

"If I had a poptart for every time you said that today, I wouldn't have to steal poptarts for a good... ten years," Gerard mused,

"Will you shut up about poptarts for just one day, Gerard?" Awsten hissed, shooting Gerard a stern look. Gerard simply responded with 'hmph' and turned away, the way a child who was having a tempter tantrum would when they didn't get their way, and refuse to admit they're wrong.

Suddenly, Lexie rushed down the isle, taking her place as the maid of honor. Awsten eyes widened as he stared at Lexie, for he had never seen his fiancée in a dress up until this moment. Taking this as a sign that the bride would be arriving soon, the previously chatty crowd had fallen silent. Mikey had an idea of what (Y/N) would look like— Mai had designed and drew in detail what (Y/N) would look like— but nothing prepared him for this.

Perhaps conditioned by cliché movies, Mikey's life flashed before his eyes; the smiles, the laughs, the fights, his whole life revolves around (Y/N)?

He swore he wouldn't cry, he had bet a year-long supply of poptarts to Gerard, which meant a Gerard year-long supply. In one flurishing movement, (Y/N) was in front of Mikey, visibly grinning widely through the lace veil.

Patrick couldn't help but grin, as well as he began to speak.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the sight of God to join this man, and this woman in holy matrimony. Not to be entered into lightly, holy matrimony should be entered into solemnly and with reverence and honor. Into this holy agreement these two persons come together to be joined. If any person here can show cause why these two people should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Everyone secretly knew that Brendon wanted to yeet Mikey, but he didn't say shit.

"Marriage is a sacred union between husband and wife and shall remain unbroken. It is the basis of a stable and loving relationship and is a joining of two hearts, bodies and souls. The husband and wife are there to support one another and provide love and care in times of joy and times of adversity.

We are all here today to witness the joining in wedded bliss of Michael James Way and (Y/N) (M/N) Urie. This joyous day celebrates the commitment and love with which Mikey and (Y/N) start their lives together. Through God, you are joined together in the most holy of bonds. Who gives this woman in holy matrimony to this man?"

"I do," Mrs Urie spoke.

"Do you, Michael James Way, take (Y/N) (M/N) Urie to be your lawfully wedded wife and live together forever in the estate of holy matrimony? Do you love, comfort, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, for better or for worse for as long as you both shall live?

Mikey gulped and smiled, "I do."

"Alright then," Patrick turned to (Y/N). Do you, (Y/N) (M/N) Urie, take Michael James Way to be your lawfully wedded husband and live together forever in the estate of holy matrimony? Do you love, comfort, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, for better or for worse for as long as you both shall live?

(Y/N) stopped chewing on her cheek, "I do."

-insert the rest of the ceremony that doesn't exist because mai never wrote it-

"You may now kiss the bride," Patrick smiled widely as he looked up at the two. Mikey smiled and pulled (Y/N) in.


"BITCH, I NEED MYSELF A MANS," Raven shouted, running over to the crowd of females that were ready to catch a bouquet.

"3... 2... 1!" (Y/N) shouted as she yeeted the bouquet.

Then, all of a sudden, Awsten nyoomed by and caught the bouquet as his friends and fiancée all looked at him, none of them disapproving. Lexie just smiled and rolled her eyes.

"AWST— AWSTEN WHAT THE FUCK1!2!1!2?!1!2 Raven screeched, because she wanted a bouquet to tell her if she was getting a mans or not.

"YES HOES, CATCH ME IN A WEDDING DRESS IN APRIL!" Awsten shouted, running away from a r a g i n g Raven and over to Lexie.

"Honestly, I love that for you," she chuckled as Awsten handed her the bouquet and leaned in towards Lexie to kiss her.

"Cute. I fucking hate it," Raven rolled her eyes as Lexie wrapped one of her arms around Awsten's neck loosely, and used the other to point at Raven and flip her off.

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