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LOOK AT THIS SWEETHEART ^^^^^^^^^ HE MAKES MY HEART GO UWU 💙🧡💛💜💚💙❤️💚💚💛💛💙💙💜💚❤️💜❤️💜❤️🧡💛💙💛❤️❤️

December 25th 2026
8:26 AM / 08:26

"Awsten, please do not harm this child," (Y/N) said as Awsten picked Bandit from her lap.

"I'm not going to harm her! I love children! I want children! Why do people think I am the most irresponsible person ever?" Awsten queried in a whiny tone.

"Your personality shows it babe," Lexie chuckled, "you should not be trusted with small children."


"Oh, I do, I do. I just don't trust her."

Everyone glanced at Lexie with confusion.

"Your sister... has a crush on your fiancé?" Raven squeaked.

"I know. It's bad."

"Sucks for her because one, I love you and only you, and two, she's a minor," Awsten stated.

"HOE HOE HOE BITCHES !" Jacci burst through the front door as everyone shot their eyes in her direction.

"JACLYN!" Mikey scolded, "there is a child present!"

"Oh. Anyways, I HAVE PRESENTS !" Jacci announced as Awsten rolled his eyes, walking into the kitchen with Bandit.

"Time to get my annual dildo from Jacci," Raven joked, sucking on a candy cane.

"Actually, it's vibrators this year!"

11:53 / 23:53

Cut Me Claus @cutmeloose
okay i was using this account earlier and i'm too last to open my other one so I'm just gonna tweet here

jacci always jokes about buying us all sex toys for christmas but she legit bought raven a vibrator this year i'm scared


Y'all I saw Bandit today she's so big now and she's so fucking cute what the f u c k

Also Jacci gave Raven a vibrator for Christmas

December 26th 2026
12:17 AM / 00:17

(Y/N) was sitting on the living room couch, browsing tumblr on her MacBook Pro like a normal, civilized person when all of a sudden Mikey decided to creep and hug (Y/N) from behind.

(Y/N) didn't even bother craning her head, "Yes, Mikey?"

Mikey took his arms from around (Y/N) and jumped onto the couch, sitting right next to his newly-wed. But he still didn't reply to her.

"Mikey," (Y/N) muttered, putting her laptop onto the coffee table in front of her.

"I love you," Mikey smiled, wrapping his arms around (Y/N) as she rolled her eyes, smiling. "Are you high?"

"Am I bothering you or something?" Mikey queried.

"No, but you're being oddly... affectionate."

"Can't I just love you?"

"Okay, what do you want, Mikey?"

"We haven't seen Bandit in so long," he stated.

"Yeah, she's adorable. Anyways, what's your point?"

"Do you maybe... ever want to have a child?"

(Y/N) chuckled a bit. "Yeah. But not for a while, because even if we decided to have a child, I would have to get used to not taking birth control, and it would have to be after the new album come out, and—"

"Okay, Okay, I get it. We'd have to wait. Waiting's fine."

(Y/N) yawned. "What time is it?"

"Past midnight, for sure."

"Bleh. I'm too tired to get off the couch."

Mikey sighed as he stood up, and then picked up (Y/N).

"Let's go to bed, loser."



I met a reader at the Waterparks show in NJ

her name is alli and she's a rat

anyways I saw mai multiple times but avoided her ass because y e a h

And today's 11/11 and I'm seeing Waterparks again tonight in CT which is cool because yeah

Anyways ily guys and mai needs to finish writing those vows so I can publish this chapter

Now it's 11/17 because i needed kenz to write a proposal for the previous chapter

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