201 14 22

August 24th 2026
5:58 AM / 05:58
Gerard + Kenz

Gerard: yo you awake

KenZ: y e a h

Gerard: wanna get some coffee at Starbucks

KenZ: okay. meet there at like 6:15?

Gerard: sure

Gerard: and about the name

KenZ: i can change it

Gerard: nah, it's fine. you're so much more of an upgrade than her


6:16 AM / 06:16

"Do you buy Pop-Tarts regularly?" Gerard asked, before Kenz could sit down.

"Yeah," Kenz hesitated to the unexpected question

"What kind?" Gerard followed up.

"Like s'mores, cookies and crème, hot fudge, like the good shit," Kenz replied.

"Okay," Gerard nodded. "Do you live in the CML house?"

"No," She shook her head. "I bought an apartment when Lexie first asked me to join."

"Alright," Gerard breathed out. "Could you like, possibly give me like your address, just in case I need to get something."

"Yeah sure," Kenz shrugged. "I have an extra key as well."

"Could I, uh, like have it," Gerard stuttered.

"Um, yeah," Kenz reached into her pocket and handed the key to him.

"Thanks," Gerard smiled at her.

As they continued talking, Kenz's phone buzzed and there was a text message from Mikey.

Mikey: just whatever you do, don't tell Gerard if you have Pop-Tarts

Kenz: why?

Mikey: he'll probably go into your house and steal them

And that's when Kenz knew

she done fucked up™.

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