215 11 19

September 1st 2026
3:12 AM / 03:12

During the night, Gerard had the urge to steal Pop-Tarts, so he decided to use the key he got from Kenz to steals hers. Once he opened the door, it was easy to retrieve them since her kitchen was there as soon as you walked in. Gerard quietly opened the pantry door, not noticing Kenz, sitting at her kitchen island, wearing her glasses and pajamas, eating ramen, and staring right at him.

"Good evening, Gerard," Kenz simply greeted him.

"You just scared the shit outta—" Gerard put his hand to his chest. "And cool punk makeover."

"Why because I'm a teenager, and this is my own apartment?" Kenz questioned. "Oh and thanks, it was all Lexie."

"Not surprised and oh fuck off," Gerard rolled his eyes.

"What did you want my Pop-Tarts for anyways?" Kenz asked.

"How did you know I was here for those?" Gerard queried.

"For starters, I saw you go into my pantry and pull out the box, and then Mikey texted me one day about how you like to steal Pop-Tarts," She shrugged.

"Goddammit Mikey," Gerard swore under his breath. "But what are you doing up at three am eating ramen?"

"I mean I could ask you the same question, except with Pop-Tarts," Kenz challenged.

"I asked you the question first," Gerard sat down next to her.

She rolled her eyes this time, "I'm being an angsty, suicidal teen, who's experiencing PTSD."

Gerard's eyes softened, "Oh fuck I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize," Kenz slightly smiled. "It's just my brains fucked up way of coping after a deadly car crash."

"Anyways," Kenz got up and placed her empty bowl in the sink. "Wanna watch TV or something?"

"Yeah," Gerard followed her to the living room, sitting on the couch.

She tossed him the remote, "You choose something."

And then Gerard chose The Notebook because he's that one boy. During the movie, the two started to get subconsciously closer together until their shoulders touched. When Kenz turned her head, she was met with Gerard's lips on hers.

"I should go," Gerard got up. "I'll call you later."

"Stay," Kenz breathed out. "Please."

Gerard smiled at her and sat back down, wrapping his arm around her.

EMO BAND TEXTS 3 - EMO QUARTET AUWhere stories live. Discover now