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Jason's doing well.

July 3rd 2026
2:09 AM / 02:09

Lexie sat on the couch of the CML house, waiting for Mai to come home. Raven hadn't told her yet since she didn't know who. Matter of fact, the only person who knew Mai left was Raven. While Lexie sat on the couch, she was watching YouTube videos, eating hot cheetos.

"Where the fuck is that bitch," Lexie asked herself, upset that Mai wouldn't answer any of her texts.

She got off the couch and walked into Mai's bedroom, seeing all her belongings still there and not ransacked like Juliet's room was when she left. Lexie snooped around a bit, opened a drawer with a debit card in it.

"Just gonna take this," Lexie put the plastic in her pocket.

As she continued looking around, there was a sheet of paper on Mai's bed that she hadn't noticed before.

Hi whoever reads this,
I decided that since I have the money now, I'm gonna go back to school. There's this art college in California that I enrolled in during the tour and got accepted. I didn't want to leave during the tour, so I made sure to do it after. I'm not sure when or if I'll come back, but if you don't want to talk to me then I understand. Make sure that Lexie (or you if you're reading this Lexie) replace me with someone who's a good drummer. Alright, bye


"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Lexie shouted after reading the note.

"What's with the screaming," (Y/N) walked into the room with her pajamas on.

"First, since when were you here, and second, wake up the rest of the band," Lexie told her.

"Okay," (Y/N) rubbed her eyes and trudged off to wake up the others.

A few minutes later, Raven, Jacci, and more awake looking (Y/N) entered the room.

"What the fuck do you want?" Raven tiredly asked.

"MAI LEFT TO GO TO COLLEGE!" Lexie yelled at them.

Those words are what woke up the three other girls. Raven nervously bit her lip when Lexie said that.

"Yeah about that," Raven started. "She, uh, already told me."

"WHEN?!" Lexie demanded.

"Um, at like seven," Raven admitted.

"Oh my fucking god," Lexie paced back and forth. "We just finished a tour and have another one to go on soon."

"That means I won't be the noob anymore," Jacci smiled, but everyone ignored her.

"So what are we going to do?" (Y/N) asked.

"Find a new drummer," Lexie replied.

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