Cant You Be the One?

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While the boys were out on the sunny day playing volleyball, Shancai and I were building sand castles also taking selfies for our social media

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While the boys were out on the sunny day playing volleyball, Shancai and I were building sand castles also taking selfies for our social media.

Okay well mainly me. Shancai bend down in the weirdest of poses trying to get the right angle that I was aiming for.

But we stopped when the ball almost attacked us for the millionth of time.

Shancai and I sat at the same long seats near the pool as F4 we're talking at the seats together. Shancai was taking another picture of me as Mei Zou and her laughed about some joke they made.

"Ten Tangjing, an exchanged student, fell in love with the son of the major of Paris" Ximen began to read off his phone catching all of our attentions.

I immediately got up with Shancai right behind me as we surrounded Lei confused.

"They are expected to get married by year—end" Ximen finished turning to Lei.

"Did you know about that?" Si questioned.

"Yes, it's big news in Paris." He replied emotionless.

How can he be reacting like that when he cared so much for her? I knew deep down he was hurting. But it wasn't right for him to just sit here like this.

"Is that why you came back?"

"Lei, do you not even care? Jìng is about to marry someone else"

"Why should I care? Everything's over" he said.

I didn't believe it. Especially after everything he told me last night. That must've been what shocked him. Jings engagement..

When night time approached I was back at the same position as I was the night before unable to sleep except for a different reason.

What if Lei was out there at the beach again? Lonelier than ever?

No, no, I should just go back to sleep. I sighed turned to the side shutting my eyes shut but after a few seconds I gave up and grabbed my phone remembering Si getting mad about that last night.

I turned over to Si seeing that his back was facing me asleep.

I carefully left the room heading straight to the beach. I had to know if he was there. It felt selfish to just leave him out there knowing he was hurting inside.

I ran out to the beach almost slipping due to the sandals and sand.

When I came to the spot Lei was there except he was covering his face with his arms. Oh no..

I slowly walked up to him and sat by his side concerned,"Lei are you okay?" I truthfully asked.

He looked up at me slowly nodding. I shook my head,"I mean it Lei are you actually okay? I get it if your not, it's okay to admit if your not. No ones going to judge you."

Then I noticed a tear escape his eye,"I want to know too. Will I get better?"

Suddenly I felt like that had struck a cord with me.

I understood where he was coming from. I questioned that everyday, even now.

"You will, because it has to be. Even if our minds, heart, and everyday actions prove to us that it won't you just have to hold onto that small hope even if that small hope tries to get away from your grasp." I explained tears now beginning to form in my eyes,"Lei your a good, talented guy. I believe your distend to have a great life, because your just that wonderful."

"Why are you crying? I told you I'm okay. Go back to your room. Don't worry about me"

I wiped the tears.

"You know I can't do that. Seeing and thinking the pain your in makes it harder for me to leave Lei. I can't do that to you. I just can't stop thinking about you. Even when I'm with Si there's always something reminding me about you and I don't know what to do. I'm always wondering why you look so unhappy, why can't you just be happy?" I sniffed my nose frustrated.

Lei put his hand on my cheek wiping the tears that were staining my cheeks,"Why can't I just be with you?" He muttered.

I stared up at him as he placed his lips on mine.

Lei he's kissing me..he's kissing me..and I don't want him to stop.

I closed my eyes kissing him back wanting to do it just this once. I wanted this even if it was a one time thing and act like nothing else happened.

But I couldn't hurt Si when he had feelings for me.

I pulled away staring into his deep brown eyes. I frowned as we both turned our heads back seeing Si stand there.

I widened my eyes immediately standing up. No, no, no Si your not suppose to be here. You suppose to be asleep in bed.

"Si" Lei began. I shook my head as Si came up to Lei and punched him knocking him to the ground.

"Daoming Si!" I yelled shocked. Lei with his now bloody lip stared up at Si.

I looked at Si with tears falling down my cheeks. He went to walk away but I quickly grabbed his arm,"Si let me explain."

"Everything's clear now. What is there to explain?" He questioned avoiding my eyes.

I wanted to say sorry. That Lei was just the one that I liked. That I never wanted to hurt him. This wasn't meant for him to find out.

Si went to walk away again but I tried to get in his way but he pushed me too hard that I fell down to my butt,"Let go of me!"

I was shocked. I didn't think Si was that upset. I underestimated that at the wrong time. Lei was about to help me up but I shook my head at him and stood up on my own.

"Huang Kiara, I liked you from the beginning. What about you?" Si challenged.

I shook my head,"I'm sorry but it's always been him Si. I told you even that I didn't deserve you. I meant it"

Si angrily put his hand to a fist clenching his jaw,"Fine. Let's pretend we don't know each other then"

I opened my mouth but it was too late. Si had stormed away back to the hotel. I frowned putting my head to my hands.

I never wanted to hurt him.

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