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With my shaky legs, I walked out the house, feeling breathless. My eyes remained to the ground. I couldn't bare to look at Mrs.Yu or the guards faces. I didn't know how to feel. I felt so pissed and ashamed but my sadness was taking over me.

I came here all the way to see him but he feels so distant.

When walking down the porch, every step was light and slow. I was trying to be careful to not collapse.

What if I never see him again..after this?

The thought made me more dizzy. It was already hard to concentrate when being in his room. I could hear my blood pulsing loudly behind my ears, with the wind lightly whispering. I wanted to stop midway on this trail to breakdown. I couldn't take this anymore.

Yet I didn't stop. I walked and walked til I reached Thomas on the other side of the gates.

"Hey, why are you crying?" His voice was soft, and kind, the opposite of Si's voice.

I quickly wiped my tears.

"Did you see Daoming Si?"

"I did, he told me that I can't see him ever again" even saying those words made my gut felt like it was being punched repeatedly.

"Why would he say that?" Thomas questioned, but I had no answer because I myself didn't know either.

"Kiara, you'll meet someone better than him" he assured, lightly rubbing my back in circular motion.

But I don't want someone better than him, I want him..


Thomas and I walked back to the city. My mind was fogging up with so much emotion, I really wanted to cry. But I can't do that in the middle of the streets.

"How much longer do you want to stay in London?" Thomas asked, as we were walking back to my hotel,"Or are you heading back to China?"

I sighed,"I don't know."

When looking up ahead I widened my eyes.

"What it is?"

"Huaze Lei" I said, seeing Lei lean against the wall, right outside the hotels main entrance.

"Is he your friend?"

I nodded, unable to use words.

"Okay, I'll see you later then" Thomas smiled, before leaving.

I turned to look at Lei who now noticed my appearance. I smiled, feeling tears stream down my face. He mouthed my name. That's when I broke down. I sobbed into my palm and ran toward him. Lei pushed himself off the wall and walk toward me. I reached him halfway and hugged him as I sobbed into his chest.

"Are you okay? You haven't been answering your phone so I got worried" he said, wrapping his arms around me,"Did you see Si?"

"I did" I sniffed my nose, pulling away from the hug,"He said he doesn't want to see me ever again. I know he has his reasons but I came all the way here to see him and he treats me like this?"

Lei frowned, I could tell he didn't know what to say. Clearly I didn't know either judging by the fact that all I could do was cry.


Daoming Si lied on his bed with the sky turning dark. He put his arms under his head and stared at the ceiling remembering the events that occurred the day before Kiara had came to his house.

"Why did I have to come home? Why does Kiara have to leave?" He demanded, standing with his mother in the bedroom he was in now,"I know you don't like her. But why can't you give her a chance?"

"I can't!" His mother yelled back.

"Why not?!"

"Because we have no time."

"No time?" Si questioned, scoffing. He marched up to his Mother closer than ever,"No time? Are you dying or am I dying?"

His mother raised up her hand and slapped him across the face.

"It's the Daoming Group. The Daoming Group has no time do you know that? If I can't gain the trust of Xiaozi's Dad..if he takes all the shares, then everything your Dad left behind the Daoming Group would be gone!" She argued pushing his head back.

Si began to walk away but he looked to her again with his face turning red,"Everything will be gone, do you understand!?"

No, he didn't understand. Si grabbed his moms shoulders,"So you had sacrifice me and Kiara?"

His mother pushed him away,"Yes, I'm sacrificing you and Kiara for the thousands of employees in the Daoming Group."

"But Kiara isn't like other girls!" He screamed,"You treat her like she is a commoner. She comes a high power family. Why don't you consider asking her for help, instead of looking at her so low!?"

"Because her Father is a much more difficult man. He in no way would give us sharings. He is known for making less deals to businesses yet he is so successful. Besides he is one of the CEO's who is trying to steal our shares!"

Daoming Si chest began to heavy up and down. He stared at the desk and without a second threw everything to ground before walking out the room.

Si sighed, and removed his arms from under his head and went under the sheets, not having the appetite to deal with anything anymore.


(Kiara point of view)

I lied in bed under the sheets hearing piano music echoing throughout the house. I instantly knew it was Lei. He must've lit some candles because the scent of vanilla and cinnamon was all I could smell. I didn't bother opening my eyes or moving a single muscle because something in me felt numb. I knew I was awake but I felt like I was in a dream.

I was in a field, where it was bright, my tan skin was glowing, and I was wearing a mini white and light blue dress. I sat on the green grass confused as to where I was. There were no trees. But there was a lake up head.

When I looked up there I saw Daoming Si. Wearing a light sweater his hand extended to me with a smile that warmed up my heart,"Idiot why would I leave you? I was just kidding. Let's go back to Shanghai, China together."

I knew this was a dream but I didn't care. I wanted him. I grabbed his hand as he lifted me up. When he brought me into his arms I hugged him back tightly. I closed my eyes for once feeling the numbness in me going away.

Yet when I fluttered my eyes open, the pain I felt inside of me was coming back.

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