More Than You Know

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I fluttered my eyes as I suddenly felt sunlight shining through the opened window. I groaned looking next to me instantly seeing Nick not here in bed. I could hear the shower on though.

I sat up pulling my knees to my chest, rubbing my neck. I can't believe it..I'm not tired, and I didn't get a nightmare. The only person who had this impact on me was Daoming—

No, I can't say his name. I have to forget about him. Clinging onto him will be harder to move on. I need to think of other things other than him.

I quickly got up from the bed hurrying to my guest bedroom. I searched through my suitcase my shampoo, conditioner, and clothes.

"Morning" Nick's voice entered the room.

I looked up from the floor and shot him a genuine smile,"Good morning." Nick who was wearing black skinny pants with a denim coat sat at the corner of my bed, looking at what I was pulling out.

"Your gonna take a shower?"

I nodded,"Yeah before we go. We won't waste time right?"

"You always take the longest to shower so the answer is yes" he said. I scoffed grabbing my bottle of shampoo, and throwing it at him.

He chuckled catching the bottle at ease and tossed it back to the suit case.

"I'm kidding, sorta, but I'll make sure we get breakfast first"

I nodded in agreement,"Okay."

I grabbed my clothes and bottles, going straight to shower. I closed the door, not bothering to lock it since I knew Nick wouldn't bother coming in. I took my clothes off and jumped into the steaming hot shower I had turned on before taking my clothes off.

I made sure to hurry up cleaning myself up that I got out of the bathroom dressed in just thirty minutes. I grabbed my dirty clothes and put them next to my suitcase and searched for Nick who I noticed was sitting on counter, on his phone.

"I'm ready we can go now" I said announcing my appearance.

Nick looked up from his phone grinning,"Alright princess let's go eat."


We sat at some cafe that served us a stack of waffles with our own beverages. I ordered a frappe while Nick got hot chocolate.

"How'd you sleep last night?" Nick questioned while taking a bite out of the stack of waffles.

Ignoring the table manners once again I responded with,"I actually..slept well. I guess it has something to do with—-"

"Me?" He asked, I widened my eyes feeling my cheeks blushing.

"I—no, well I mean—" I stammered but I stopped when Nick laughed.

"It's okay, I'm not surprised. After all, there's a lot of thing I know that you don't know that I know" he grinned taking a sip of hot chocolate.

I frowned, what could he possibly know?
"Like what?"

"You sure you want me to say it now?"

I shrugged,"Well I did ask so yeah."

He sighed putting his fork down. I took that as my chance to begin to dig into the plate of waffles.

"Well for one I know that your a virgin"

Whoa, whoa!

"Nick!" I scolded, looking around embarrassed,"How do you know that!?"

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