Flash to the Past-Part 2

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I stared at Jia in shocked as she pushed me against the stone wall near the river. I opened my mouth to speak but she slapped my cheek that turned into a pink tone.

I scoffed clenching my jaw. I put my hand onto my cheek, giving her a look,"I'm gonna take that as a thank you"

"I can't believe you did that Mei! Did I ask you come today to school!?" She screamed.

This was the way she was treating me? After standing up for her?

"Seeing you get bullied I couldn't help but step in. What did you expect me to do?" I argued back.

I had to do what I couldn't do for Bora.

"I didn't ask you to interfere" she crossed her arms.

I laughed humorlessly,"Suck my nonexistent dick. Your acting like a huge bitch right now. How long have they been treating you like that? It's obvious this isn't the first time. Your not one to back down easily. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't want you getting into my business Mei. Remember I'm the older sister, which means you stay out of my business"

"Oh but you can go into mine!?" I began to scream. This energy we were giving off wasn't us. We weren't like this. Jia would stop this from continuing forward. But instead she was starting the fire and I was adding onto it.

"That's different"

"No it's not! Just cause your older doesn't mean you have to act like a fucking savior. I don't need your help Jia. I heard the argument you and Dad were having. You telling him about us, you should know he doesn't care about us that much" I snapped.

Jia then began to cry. I felt frozen watching tears I'd never thought I'd ever see fall down to her pale bruised cheeks.

My hands that had turned into fist now we're softly placed onto her arms.

Jia gripped onto my slim body and cried her heart out. I bit my lip feeling my own salty tears fall.

Jia who was kind, deviously playful, and annoying was now cracked.

She had reminded me of the nights I cried myself to sleep when seeing texts of NY pop up. I didn't know who it was. But they knew of what had happened to Bora and I.

I couldn't tell anyone about it. Not even Jia..

After Jia's breakdown we found ourselves later sitting in front of the river with the sunset setting in with the wind blowing our black hair back.

"The next time you see them bothering me..don't do anything.."

My heart had dropped. I turned to Jia frowning,"Don't argue Mei. I know what you did wasn't normal either. So for the sake of ourselves let me handle it."

I stood up in anger,"So if I see you get bullied you expect me to just watch?"

Like I did with Bora?

Jia narrowed her eyes to the river nodding,"Yes."

And indeed that was the deal we made.

I sadly stuck to it. After that encounter with the bullies seeing them bother Jia wasn't the last time. Sometimes when I just do happened to come home late I'd see the main girl beat up Jia and I couldn't do anything but watch.

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