This Is It

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After Mr.Wang dropped me off I broke down at the entrance of the penthouse. I began to sob uncontrollably. I managed to quiet til Nick came in, I guess for a drink of water and saw me crying.

He tried to everything to calm me down but nothing was working. I couldn't express the pain I felt. Like there was a hole in my chest that making this burning pain to increase all over my body.

Nick had brought me into his room as I slept with him throughout the night.

Right now he was showering while I sat at the kitchen table, staring down at the marble table with my knees pulled up to my chest.

The scene of Si and I in the rain, just wouldn't leave my mind. It hasn't even been a week and it's already driving me insane. I felt my eyes begin to tear up that I immediately sniffed my nose blinking away the tears. Damn it why am I so emotional?

When hearing footsteps approach the kitchen I quickly rubbed my eyes dry and fanned my face to dry any tears that were left. And just on time he walked in wearing jeans and a plain black T-shirt.

I cleared my throat, trying to show my most convincing smile,"Hey.."

"Hey, you alright?" He questioned.

If only I could lie, but no, he would see through it,"You already know the answer" I said looking away.

For a second there was silence. I could hear Nick slightly smack his lips together,"Are you gonna go to school today?"

Immediately I shook my head,"I..don't know when I'll go back to school."

Again it went silent.

"Well, I'm gonna go head out to meet friends. Wanna..come?" He asked, using a gentle tone.

I bit my lower lip looking down at my knees, shaking my head in response.

"Alright, call me if you need anything" he said before leaving.

After hearing the door close I let out a shaky exhale I didn't realize I was holding in.

3 weeks later..

I stared out of the window with my knees curled up to my chest, watching as cars passed by. Right now I was in my personal penthouse as a couple days ago I left Nicks place after feeling like I was bother.

Ms.Choa, and Mr.Wang currently we're staying here too. They kept checking up on me if I wanted to sleep, eat, shower but each time my answer was the same, no, I'm fine.

Everything felt like shit. I found no motivation to move. I wasn't completely heartbroken about Si. I accepted that this was the way life had it planned after a week ago where I practically destroyed a lot of china silverware. Right now, I just wanted to pick my life up but I didn't know how. It felt like I was truly in mess. Everything in my life was horrible.

Nick most likely hates me, my Dad is going to have to pick up and continue on with his business, my cousins most likely can't stand my presence for what I did to them, along with my friends here. Not only that but I'm getting restless nights about Jia and my mom, knowing my mental health is getting worse.

And I still can't go to my house because now the paparazzi are still looking for me.

Everything is horrible.

Suddenly a knock zoomed me back into reality. At the end of the door there was no response. But the door did open and close. My face remained emotionless as I continued to watch the afternoon streets of China.

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