Tea Party

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I sat on the kitchen counter watching as Daoming Si leaned against the other side of the kitchen, across from me as we were discussing this whole matter.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just knew you would react this way and it was my fault I got hurt. I shouldn't be wearing heels most of the time so come on can we stop this? I already have a swollen ankle to deal with"

Si furrowed his eyebrows together,"Kiara that's not what the point it. I still feel uncertain about something."

"Uncertain? About what?" I questioned,

"Your feelings for me."

"Are you serious? You still feel vague about that? How many times do I have to tell you that I want to be with you?" I asked, feeling even more confused.

"You've never once said you've loved me" he replied, pushing himself off the counter and walked to me til we were really close.

"I feel like you'll just leave me anytime. I've been waiting all this time for you to say those words but it seems like you don't plan to say it" he sighed.

No, that wasn't true. I have been planning on saying it for a while now but it's easier said then done.

Then his phone ringed. He stepped back allowing as I took that my chance to let out an uneasy breathe. My eyes stayed on him while he answered the phone speaking to the other person on the other line.

Those words..I love you. I get that he wants me to say it, believe me, I wanna say it too. But I want to say it showing my love for him. Like the beach with a picnic with all these lantern lights. I want to express it to him and not just say it.

"Huh? Kiara?"

I snapped out of my thoughts and saw him meet my eyes, he then looked away nodding,"alright cut the crap..bye."

I tilted my head,"Everything alright? How come my name was mentioned?"

"Yeah, it was just Ximen. He's throwing a National Tea Tasting Party at his house. You're invited."

"A tea party? What a shame I'm a coffee drinker" I mused,"But alright I'll go. When is it?"


I looked down to my ankle,"Peachy.." I mumbled to myself.


After Daoming Si left my place, Ximen had called me, telling me to wear a traditional cheongsam dress which meant me having to call three of my maids to help me in the dress. Luckily I didn't really care about them seeing me in my lingerie. Considering the fact that they were pretty well matured and kinda..old.

When they fit me into my dress which had a silver white color to it with red roses at the bottom for its design. I did my makeup and decided to curl my short hair and did my nails to match my dress.

I then put on my white heel and grabbed my crunches. Here goes nothing.

Mr.Wang helped me down the stairs and took me to the limo. He drove me to Ximens place while I continuously looked to my phone seeing that I was incredibly late Ximens party. Hopefully no one would be upset.

When hearing Mr.Wang get out of the car I looked out the window realizing we were here. I grabbed my crunches just as Mr.Wang opened the door for me. I smiled at him in thanks. He helped me out of the car and gave me my crunches, walking by my side.

We knocked to the door and were greeted by Ximens butler I believe. He greeted us with a smile and bowed to us, opening the door wide.

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