New Guy

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After that whole situation I went straight home to my bed not doing much for the entire winter break. The only good thing was that I was able to spend time with Shancai's family on New Years.

But other than that I was dreading to go back to school. The only good thing about it was that Mira and Chen weren't going to constantly be at my sides since they did private online schooling.

But that was it.

I walked in Mindge with Shancai talking about if Zhibu was okay. Since I hadn't gotten the chance to really visit him at the hospital. The only thing I was able to do was send flowers and chocolate.

"Is he really fine? I bet he hates me right now" I sighed.

"Kiara he doesn't hate you. If anything he told me he was worried if you and Si got into a fight" Shancai explained.

"Well not really other than back at the restaurant. I hadn't talked to him yet and I don't plan to. What he did didn't just hurt others around him but me."

I was enjoying the company of others at the reunion. It was fun until he came.

"It's stupid. I cant believe Si acted like that. He's starting to make me hate him all over again" I confessed.

Shancai nodded,"I agree. Just because you tell him your not his girlfriend doesn't give him the reason to act harsh."

As I was walking her to her Nutrient class we both saw F4 and Quinghe in the distance.

"Oh Kiara! Shancai!"

I smiled weakly waving at him but I stopped with Shancai stopping too.

I didn't want to go over there where he was.

"Well here's your class. Now off I go" I said.

Shancai nodded waving bye as I went down the hall hearing Daoming Si call my name out but I ignored his presence going straight to my class.

If the bastard thinks I'm gonna talk to him he's sadly mistaken.

After hanging out with Haeun in fashion I took a break from the class after cutting my finger through the sowing machine.

The teacher panicked with Haeun remained claimed telling me to go to the nurses office.

And so I did. I admit it hurt like a bitch with the needle stabbing into my finger but it'll heal.

I aimlessly walked around noticing Shancai with a guy I didn't recognize.

I wonder who he is..

"Kiara Hey!" Shancai called out. I snapped out of my thoughts and smiled waving at her. I walked up to her and the guy greeting them.

"Hey what's up?"

"Nothing I'm just walking with Zhibu's brother" she said gesturing to him. I widened my eyes,"Your Zhibu's brother?"

He nodded extended his hand out,"I'm Shunping"

I grabbed his hand giving it a shake,"I'm Huang Kiara."

Shunping smiled studying my features,"My brother was right you are beautiful, and those chocolates you sent us were really good"

I let out a chuckle shrugging.

"What happened to your hand?" Shancai questioned. I looked down at it and let go of Shunping hand showing them.

"The needle from the sowing machine stabbed my finger so I had to go to nurse." I explained.

Shancai sighed,"You have to be careful."

I rolled my eyes,"Okay, mom." Shancai playfully pushed me as we both erupted in giggles.

"So Kiara your a fashion major?" Shunping guessed as we began to walk side by side out through the campus.

"Yup my Mom had a really famous brand and as a kid I always watched her devoted to her line. It's like each clothing she made represented her emotions or desires"

As a kid I had to see each piece of clothing to see what my Mom was feeling. Otherwise I would know nothing.

"You must be very passionate about it too then"

I nodded,"It makes me feel like I'm close to her."

More than when she was alive.

"But I like fashion cause you get to create something you want others to wear or see." I went on.

"Well then I'll cheer you on" he said,"So will I!" Shancai piped in.

I chuckled,"Thanks guys."

As we walked outside I bit my lip guilty,"Listen about your brother Zhibu, I'm really sorry. It's my fault he was put in the hospital"

Zhibu frowned confused,"Why would it be your fault? I thought it was Daoming Si's fault."

I looked at him surprised,"You know?"

"Shancai told me" he said.

"Yeah but Kiara it's not your fault. You can't control Si's temper. He just happened to release it on Zhibu" Shancai assured.

I sighed shaking my head,"I know but he released it cause I was telling him to go and all that."

When we reached the stairway the two began to talk about some basketball game. I wasn't paying attention due to me instantly noticing F4.

I immediately ducked down causing the two to look down confused,"What's up Kia—"

"Sh!" I shushed Then pulling them down to me.

"I just saw Daoming Si and his friends" Shunping said.

"Why are we hiding?"

"Cause I don't want the shit head to see me. I'm avoiding him" I answered.

"Let's hear what they're saying"

I don't know if I would want to hear this. Especially if they're talking about me.

"If you don't yield, Kiara is the type that will ignore you and treat you like a peasant again" Ximen said.

Shit they are talking about me. Damn it..

"Ignore me then. What's the big deal?" Si brushed off.

I rolled my eyes. Well what Ximen said wasn't wrong. If he didn't care then it was his loss.

"A bad temper diva like her with average legs and walks like an angry bull should stay away. I have nothing to lose" Si continued on.

I raised my eyes,"Oh that boys about to get his ass whooped by a bull" I snapped about to stand up but Shancai pulled me down shaking her head at me.

"Your right. Kiara can be a diva and can be too much to handle. She has a lot on her plate, and you don't even know much about her. Well her past" Ximen reasoned,"She's clumsy and very stubborn too"

"I agree but she's exactly the fierce women that you life" Mei Zhou said.

"Me, like her? Yeah right" he laughed off,"She's always with those big dog eyes begging me to stay with her."

I rolled my eyes again standing up,"I'm not listening to his crap anymore. I'll catch up with you guys later."

"Wait Kiara" Shunping stood up too but I went down the stairs going away to find a quiet spot to just let my thoughts run free.

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