Hallucination vs Reality

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I always imagined this day to happen. But I knew deep down what I was thinking was crazy, out of this world. There was no way to bring someone back from the dead. Unless they never really were dead.

"J—Jia how— your here—?" I stuttered unable to control my lower lip from shaking.

Jia looked up at me scared. Her hand was at her head,"My names not Jia"

She stood up and walked away. I furiously shook my head and marched up to her. I grabbed her elbow and spun her to me,"Don't act like I'm a fucking idiot Jia! You think I can't recognize my own sisters face?"

I studied her features noticing something was off. But I couldn't quite pinpoint what it was.

Jia glared and threw her arm off of me. I widened my eyes and grabbed her arm again,"Either you've grown some balls to be acting like this or just acting plain stupid" I snapped.

She groaned pushing me away,"I told you I'm not Jia! My names Kong Ai"

I scoffed with the wind blowing hard on us that it was forcing tears to come out,"Do you hate me that much that you've come up with a new name? Do you really not remember me?"

Jia sighed,"Why would I lie to you? I don't even know you"

Then I snapped. She tried to walk away but I got in her way trying to drag her to the car,"I don't care what game your playing Jia, I wont believe anymore shit!"

"Let go of me!" She yelled pushing me off of her. I tried to get in her way again but it lead to her pushing me hard that she knocked me off the curb storming away.

I fell down to my butt wincing. I looked up about to run after her but it was like she was a ghost. No where in plain sight.

I widened my eyes scared, Holy fuck.

"Ms..Are you okay?"

I jumped startled by the new voice next to me. I turned to the elder women immediately recognizing her. She was the women I helped when the bike almost crashed down to her.

"I saw her fall, are you okay? Did the wind knock you down?" She slightly teased. But she still showed a concern look.

W—What? Did she say I just fell? Did she not hear Jia screaming at me?

I felt my breathing harden. I was trying to process every single thought I was thinking of.

What if Jia wasn't actually here?

"I need to go" I mumbled. I got up almost stumbling down making my way to the car. I slammed the car shut and drove.

My hand that wasn't on the wheel couldn't stop shaking. My chest began to hurt that it was hard keeping my eyes open.

I had to pull to the side with my breathing escalating. I shut my eyes trying to focus on my breathing but it didn't help. Nothing was calming me down.

My hands covered my ears as I clutched onto my hair. I bit my lip hard tasting the metallic taste of blood. I whimpered shaking my head.

Was I really that desperate to see Jia that I'm now hallucinating?

I wanted this to stop. I couldn't take anymore of this. How long until I break even more?

Hearing the sound of my phone I jumped startled. I put my hands slowly down. I looked down to the contact seeing it was Si calling me.

I forgot..Shancai's competition.

I reached out to it and answered with it on speaker.

"Kiara where are you? The competition has already started" Si whispered loudly.

I frowned putting my head onto the cold wheel of the car,"I..Don't think I'll make it"

"What why? Are you okay? Did something happen?"

I licked my lower lip and shut my eyes ashamed,"Si when Shancai gets on that stage I want you to cheer for her. Do it for her but also do it for me. I promised her I'd give her strength. But now I need you to do that"

"Huang Kiara what are say—"

I hung up the call and remained at the position I was at. I didn't care about the cold air making me shiver. I felt too weak to even care.


My eyes fluttered open upon hearing a little knock at the window. I groaned slowly lifting my head from the wheel. I rubbed my eyes opening the window seeing Chen and Mira stand there in their high elegant clothes.

"Yah are you crazy!? Why are you sleeping at the side of the road?" Mira screamed. I shut my eyes and automatically covered my ears.


"Kiara is freezing are you even alive?" Chen shivered.

I sighed with my hands falling to my lap,"How did you guys find me?"

"We had your guards look for your location. Took them three minutes?" Mira shrugged.

I let out another sigh and grabbed my phone checking the time.. 8:45p.m

I've been here all day?

"If you guys got to my house in the morning what made you guys come and look for me barely just now?" I questioned.

"Well your staff thought you went to that competition and possibly stayed over at a boys house" Chen explained leaning against the car.

"And that's when I wanted to come and see the boy. Had them look into your location. But seeing as there's no boy might as well drag you home" Mira sighed with a hint of disappointment in her tone.

I rolled my eyes and put my head to the wheel,"I think I rather stay here."

"You wish cuz, it's fucking freezing and I wanna go to your house. So move" Chen shooed me. I sighed again deciding to obey and moved to the passenger seat while Mira went to her own car.

Chen drove us to my house and walked in immediately greeted by warmth. Chen made a sound relieved to have his ass warm.

Mira began to say comments to him that was now making them bicker.

I on the other hand was slowly making my way to my room. A couple of my staff walked up to me concerned.

"Ms.Huang your freezing"

"You could get sick!"

"Prepare a hot bath for her"

"Ms.Huang would you like something to eat?" Mrs.Choa asked.

I shook my head,"No, I'm not hungry. Im going to bed, don't set up the bath. But before I do so I need you to put me on the phone with someone"


"My Dad."

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