Death Wish

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Seoyeon screamed as I had yanked her arm and dragged outside of the school. Her screams drew multiple students attention and began to look at us. They even were following us.

I ignored my feet that were beginning to ache with the heels I had on. But Seoyeon was what was on my mind.

I meant what I said that day. I don't care if it was three years ago to her. It felt like it was just last week.

Once we reached the stairs of the entrance of Mindge I threw Seoyeon as she stumbled back shocked.

"Repeat to me what you just said" I demanded stepping closer to her.

Seoyeon fixed her posture giving me a smirk,"I'm pretty sure you heard me the first time"

"Seoyeon you think I want to play this game with you!?" I screamed,"Right now I can follow with that lawsuit I promised years ago. I don't follow my Dads orders anymore."

Her smirk dropped. I glared standing real close that I was taking everything in me not to throw a punch.

When my Dad learned about the lawsuit I was willing to follow in court he banned me from doing further actions and threatened to send me to Europe if I didn't get my act together.

"I said nothing. I don't care what you say Kiara. You don't scare me"

"You should care. After everything you've done you should be worried about me ruining your life"

She laughed shaking her head,"Come on let's be friends. Let's put the past behind us"

"Your crazy to think I'll ever be friends with you" I exclaimed, staring at her like she was a lunatic.

Seoyeon glared crossing her arms at me,"Fine. But just to be clear on what I said earlier I'm saying the truth. You'll know it when I show you it."

I refused to let her words of Jia get to me. Her words were crazy. No one can just come back from the dead. Especially when the die with you trying to save them.

"But right now I'm not going anywhere. I transferred here to Mindge Univeristy"

"And why is that? What could you possibly want to be in China for?"

"My Father was transferred here by his company. Plus no one knows who I am. It's a fresh start" she smiled deviously.

I tightened my hand into a fist feeling my skin begin to cut due to the nails I had on.

"But they'll find out" I deadpanned,"Especially when it comes to a snake hanging out in the crowd."

Seoyeon looked around scared to see if anyone heard.

Annoyed enough with her presences I grabbed her shoulders forcing her to look at me.

"You should've known who you were messing with the moment you laid a hand on Jia. Now that you've gone rid of her I'll show you how bad the consequences can be" I threatened taking my hands off of her.

I walked past her with my shoulders colliding with hers trying to keep my head up high. I managed to keep a good posture when I walked away but it shattered the moment I approached my car.

I shakily pulled my car keys out. I tried to turn my car on but my legs that were strong like stone turned to jelly that I bent down. I dropped my car keys and put my head onto my hands.

I wanted to scream so bad. I didn't care if others saw me as some crazy person. I just wanted to scream my heart out.

Jia couldn't be alive. I saw her commit suicide. I was the one who tried to save her. Seoyeon was just trying to get my guard down. She was doing to me on purpose. She fucked up Seoyeons life. Now she's trying to mess up mine.

When I finally was able to compose myself I got in my car and stared at the notifications that were blowing up my phone.

Weibo:Huang Kiara and Liu Seoyeon arguing at the entrance of Mindge University. Whose the new girl? And why is Huang Kiara picking a fight with her?

Weibo:Huaze Lei and Dong Shancai challenged to a poker game after Daoming Si and Huang Kiara got into a couple fight.

Weibo tweets:Are Huang Kiara and Daoming Si broken up?

Weibo tweets:Wasn't Lei dating Kiara? Why is moving to Shancai?

Weibo tweets:A new girl messing with one of the popular girls? Ouch..

Weibo tweets:Shancai was first with Daoming Si and now Lei?

Weibo tweets:Kiara was also with the two. But now she's not with them. Did she cause the fight? Or is she moving away from F4?

I ruffled my hair at this bullshit. People can never just not mind their own business huh..

I went to my contacts and called Shancai.


"Shancai, why are you being challenged to a poker game? Was that what happened after I left?" I began to question her.

"Daoming Si got pissed. He thinks Lei hurt your feelings and is dating me now. Kiara, Lei and I aren't dating. I wouldn't never do that to you" she explained.

I nodded believing her. It was silly of me to believe quick. But Shancai wasn't like that. She would've asked me first. Plus Lei and I aren't dating. I was the one who hurt Lei. I made the decision to say no.

"I believe you. Don't worry I'll fix this, I'll talk to Daoming Si's sister and see if he can convince him. Si right now is angry at me for kissing Lei" I told her.

"You and Lei kissed?" Her voice slightly shook.

I could tell Shancai liked Lei. But I wasn't going to get in the middle of that.

"I did. But it was a one time thing. Lei and I agreed that we wouldn't go any further with that kiss. But Si happened to witness that kiss. But like I said I'll fix this. I promise" I assured before hanging up.

I started the engine and drove to Si's house. I didn't bother parking my car correctly and I hopped out heading straight inside.

I knocked several times before their butler opened the door letting me in,"Ms.Kiara, Si is not back yet"

I shook my head,"I'm not here to see him. I'm here to see Ms.Zhaung."

He nodded,"Right this way"

I bowed slightly thanking him as he lead me to another living room I haven't seen before where Zhaung was sitting with ceramic tea pots steaming with tea.

"Ah Kiara happy to see you again" Zhaung smiled.

I smiled back,"Hello Ms.Zhaung. I came to ask for a favor."

She raised an eyebrow pouring a cup of tea for me,"And what is that favor?"

I took the tea from her hands and held it with it heating up my freezing hands,"I need your help."

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