The Blizzard

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I went down the snow trail tripping several times but I got back up running through the woods.
My hair was tugged by the thin branches hanging on the white trees. I whimpered bushing the branches out the way constantly looking back.

I shook my head repeatedly as my feet sunk into the deep snow.

"Oh god, no, no, no" I muttered trying to continue to move through but I was getting tired. I didn't know how much longer I would last.

"Is this the end? Is this what NY and Bora want for me?" I questioned out loud. I frowned at the thought of them. Was I actually going to die here?


Daoming Si? I slowly turned my head seeing his figure kneel down to me,"Hey Kiara! Kiara! Are you okay? You have to get up, I'm not letting you die"

"I can't get up, my feet are too deep in the snow" I panicked tears falling down from the wind.

I tried to get back up but I fell back down with my feet and legs soaking deep inside. Si grabbed my arms,"I'm gonna pull you out ready?"

I nodded clinging onto his arms as he counted down,"1,2,3–"

Si pulled me out of the snow fast that I collapsed on top of him. I winced out beginning to feel my head get dizzy.

"Are you okay?" Si questioned with him underneath me.

I weakly nodded getting off of him. Si got up and instantly wrapped his arms around me. I shivered underneath him. Clinging onto him tightly.

"Shancai's friend never went out. You and Shancai were lied to" Si revealed.

What fuck. I was lied to?

As much as I felt angry I knew what we were dealing with right now was more important. We could possibly die if we continued to stay out here.

"Let's just find shelter" I brushed off.

We walked through the woods walking aimlessly it seemed.  It was getting harder to keep my eyes open, nonetheless I couldn't feel my feet anymore.

Blinking several times due to the heavy snow I noticed in the distance a small shack. My heart slightly jumped. I began to feel hopeful.

"Si look over there" I lowly pointed straight ahead to the little shack,"We can go there" I weakly ordered.

Si nodded pulling me closer to him as we approached the shack. He gently put me in first as he shut the door.

I leaned against the wall. My legs could no longer take it that I fell straight to my butt hitting my head in the process,"Kiara!"

Si kneeled to my side quickly but I shook my head at him despite my head hurting,"I'm fine. It's just freezing"

He placed his freezing hands onto my cold cheek,"Don't worry I'll be back." He took his jacket off and placed it on top of me.

I watched as he took off. I squeezed my eyes feeling myself drift into a sleep but I didn't want to go to sleep. I was too scared to not see Si again.

I could hear him come back with a pile of wood being dropped to the ground. I opened my eyes to watch him lighting a match. He tossed the match to the pile of sticks creating a small fire place.

He tugged his jacket on to me making sure to cover me up. He shook me gently,"Kiara don't go to sleep. Stay awake"

I weakly smiled,"How can I when I'm with you?" I lowly replied.

God I hated being vulnerable.

Si went searching through the shack for resources we could use.

I shut my eyes trying my best to stay awake. But every time I closed my eyes I could see memories flashing through my head.

It was of the good times. Where Jia and I would hang out. Bora and I had become best friends. There was no bully, no stalker, no panic attack. My life wasn't perfect. But it wasn't as broken as it was now.

"Here, take this" Si suddenly said.

I reopened my eyes. Si now was covered in snow due to the roof having a hole in the wall. He shivered hanging me a steaming cup water.

"Drink all of it" Si ordered. I stared at the mug shaking my head,"You need it more S—Si"

"You were out in the blizzard longer than I was" he argued.

"Si, I have on more fabric. Look I'll only drink it if you drink h—half of if."

He sighed,"Just listen to me and drink it"

Gee why were we so stubborn? I sighed taking a sip.

"I couldn't find any useful resources. The cabins too far." Si began to explain,"How are you feeling?"

"Like shit" I admitted.

Si frowned,"Then there's only one thing to do"

I looked up as he took off his sweater. Whoa what the fuck Si?

He looked down at me gesturing me to strip down as well,"You too"

I shut my eyes leaning my head back tired,"Are you even human Si?"

"Stupid girl, Do you know your situation? Stop imagining things! Your clothes are wet, wearing it will only make you colder. I can't save you if you keep being stubborn"

He did have a point.

I guess I was going to have to strip naked.


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